26: Inner Italian

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I have a death wish

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I have a death wish. I swear i do.

Because who in the world would say something like that in a room full of a Mafia family. Like I know they won't do anything to me but they're still scary. The way their looking at me right now tells me that their going to kill me and any future relationships.

Sitting up straight on the couch I look at them with slightly widen eyes. I swear I didn't mean for those words to come out of my mouth.

Before all the men can come at my throat for my previous words, the little bundle in my arms decides to wake up. His whines and cries alerting everyone and they all turn to him.

I rock him in my arms to try and shush his cries and slowly he calms down but still continues to move around.

Uncle Zane gets up from his seat and takes him from my arms "Imma put him down really quick." He says as he walks upstairs.

Thank you, Jaxon. Your a lifesaver and you don't even know it.

Everyone looks back to me but the men look at me with straight and mad faces. Nonno looks like he going to talk but before he can Nonna interrupts him.

"Well we're gonna go finish dinner. We'll call when it's all ready. Come on, Scarlett." Nonna says and gets up along with aunt Maria and me. Aunt Maria gives me a look to hurry and I just know this is their plan on helping me officially escape the bears aka, the men glaring into my head.

Thank goodness for them as well. Maybe the universe is on my side today.

I make it in the hallway before they can say anything. Once we three girls are in the hallway we all look to each other and let out a laugh. "Jaxon saved your butt back there Scarlett." Aunt Maria says with a smile as we walk to the kitchen.

"I know and I don't even know why I made that comment. It was all because of the cute bundle in my arms." I say and laugh. They join in and Nonna speaks "well sweetie everyone loves that bundle of cuteness . It makes me want to pop another one out but I have to remind myself that I am done."

We all share laughs and aunt Maria says "Mmhmm me too."

Walking into the kitchen we see two cooks to which nonna shoos off and tells them to take the day off. Nonna goes straight to check on everything cooking and starts making orders "Maria honey, can you go check if we have all the dishes checked down I'm my notepad. Scarlett can you do me a favor and set the dining room table." She says with a warm smile and we nod and get to work.

Walking to the dining room I see a big metal plate with all the utensils such as knifes,spoons, forks, glass cups, napkins, and plates. I also notice how the table is decorated all nice and fancy smancy.

Rich people things. I mean the chandelier above me is blinding my eyes.

Sighing I take the kitchen ware and start to assemble the tables. I take my phone out quickly putting some music on since I cannot stand the silence in here. The song 'Snooze by SZA' starts playing around the room and I continue doing my job.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2023 ⏰

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