25: Maybe one won't hurt?

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There's about 30 people sitting in the living room and they all turn to us as we walk in

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There's about 30 people sitting in the living room and they all turn to us as we walk in. They look to the boys then to me but their gaze lingers on me more. 30 pairs of eyes scan me head to toe and I can't lie and say I'm not a bit intimidated by it.

Okay that's a lie there's not 30 people but you know what I mean.

All I'm wondering is why are they so damn early?

Weren't we all supposed to be ready into different clothes before they arrive. I mean come on I'm in sweats and a crop top!!

I'm gonna kill Santi and nobody can stop me.

And now I'm standing in front of my dads side of the family. How presentable. Not.

Especially the older couple sitting in the middle of one of the long couches. They look like the grandparents as they are the oldest ones in here. They both have a straight face just like most of the men in here.

Although it looks like the woman's straight face is faltering, as she is smiling at me and then try's to keep up the facade.

It's quiet for awhile before a voice says "Oh god she looks just like you, uncle Alex! I feel so sorry for you dear cousin."

"Matthias!" An older lady about the same age as my mom scolds the boy and the older guy who sat next to her laughs slightly, before stopping once the woman looks at him.

My lips tilt up at what the boy, Matthias said. He sounds fun. Like another Santi. A few chuckles go around the room as they laugh at his comment. Santi who's standing next to me busts out laughing.

"Okay enough! Scarlett come here." Alexander says from where he's standing in a loud emotionless voice. Everyone is quiet and they watch as I make my way to him, standing slightly behind him to try and hide.

Unfortunately it doesn't work as he moves to the side. How dare he. "This is Scarlett everyone, my daughter and an addition to the familia." He says and in that moment for some seconds I start to feel powerful.

"This is so exciting!! My granddaughter! I never thought I would have one. Oh my come here sweetie!"  The elderly lady with a warm smile comes rushing to me. That straight face long gone.

I just stand there not moving a muscle since I don't know if I should actually go to her. She luckily does it all as she embraces me in a warm hug. I think this hug is in the top fives of best hugs I've ever had.

Hugging her back I put my head into her neck while she does the same and pats me on the back. We're about the same height so everything works out perfectly.

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