9: Distance

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My sister Scarlett.

She's all that's been in my head all day. Actually ever since dad told us about her she's all over been thinking about. Not in a weird way but in a loving way. A brotherly love.

It's weird.

I've never felt like this. I never loved someone of the opposite gender. I've never been around much girls and my mother who isn't even a mom to me or my siblings, have never treated us right. The only woman I ever cared about was my grandma on my dads side of the family.

So when Scarlett showed up and I felt an urge to protect her at all costs I didn't know what was going on. I mean of course I experienced sibling love from my brothers it's different since we don't show emotions. We never hug or show our love with gentleness.

We prefer making fun of each other or picking on the other. Punching the other than actually hugging. It's different when it comes to Scarlett because all I wanna do is go to her and hug the shit out of her. Tell her that no harm will ever come her way and that I will always be her protecter.

I wanna be the older protective brother that will always be with her through hell and back.I wanna be one of her safe spots.

She's making me soft.

She's only been here for not even a week and I'm getting soft. I laugh slight at that. I never, ever in my life went soft for someone and for some reason I don't mind being soft for Scarlett.

The boys went out with her today to the mall and I'm not gonna lie and act like I didn't feel sad about not going. I couldn't go for two reasons. One because I have a fuck ton of work to do and two because as much as I already care for Scarlett I can't show emotions. I just can't.

So for the sake of  everyone and everything I need to stay back as much as I can.

This is gonna be hard.

As I think about it more I hear loud shouts , cameras clicking, and screeching of tires.

What the fuck-

Getting up from my seat and walking to the window in my home office that  I'm currently in I see cars pull up and I know for a fact that's my siblings. But for some reason they aren't entering from the gate around our house.

When I get a good look at what's in front of them and stopping them from entering from the gate has me immediately calling guards out to them.

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