18: Tattoo

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Lorenzo pulls up into a parking lot that's on the side of a two story building

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Lorenzo pulls up into a parking lot that's on the side of a two story building. Getting out of the car I can actually get a good look at the building.

Yeah this is definitely not a flower shop.

Instead it's a tattoo shop with a bar. The sign on the top reads Inks and drinks. Kinda basic but good basic. I feel like it just goes together. It's a black modern building with some gold onto it.

There's also a neon sign on the side of the building but since it's sunny it's obviously off. The bar and tattoo space is separated from what I can tell.

Lorenzo leads us inside the tattoo shop and holds the door open. I walk in first alongside Santi and we walk into what seems like the lobby.

The walls are all black and the floors are marble with some black and gold as well. There's a white neon sign that it designed as a hand that's holding an ink pen. That really stands out.

One side of the room is a sitting area and with black couches against the walls and a black rug with a glass table on top of it. Some painting and drawings are hanged up all over the walls but instead of them colored their all grey.

The other side of the room is empty besides some  pictures of tattoo designs. I'm still so shocked that this is Lorenzo's and he has some good style.

Looking at all the pictures on the walls I'm even more shocked of how good they are. Looking at the bottoms right side on the papers I see Lorenzo's signature on them. Holy shit he drew all these designs?!

He walks up to the front desk that is in the middle of the room and there's two people here, one boy and one girl. They both look so badass especially the girl.

She has ginger straight hair with some green baggy cargos and a black long sleeve shirt. She has some hoop earrings and her makeup is nicely done.

Kim impossible?!

I'm sorry I had to

She looks just like her

What I really love about her is her tattoos. Some are colored in and some aren't but their so badass. Their nicely detailed and really nice. The boy is wearing all black clothes and also has tattoos all over his body. His hair is also ginger though.

Most likely related or just have the same hair color? I'm not sure. That'll be such a coincidence if their not related. There's not a lot of ginger out in the world- well I haven't met any- and working with one must be so cool.

Their heads shot to us once they realize that we're here and smile a little. Although they do look at me with a confused face probably thinking who am I and why I'm with Santi and Lorenzo.

"Mr.De Luca  your client is already seated inside the room." The ginger boy says.

Lorenzo nods to them and leads us into the back hallway. There's multiple doors but he leads us to one with a sign that reads "Mr. De Luca" .

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