21: Company

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Last night I'm pretty sure I slept alone like most days

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Last night I'm pretty sure I slept alone like most days. So I don't know what is snuggling against me. It's something fuzzy but I'm too lazy to open my eyes. Well that was until I hear a loud meow and someone laughing.

Opening my eyes fast that they hurt I quickly turn to see who or what is in my bed. Of course it's Santi. Looking down besides me I let out a gasp. It's Milo, Santis cat. My heart is melting he's literally so adorable. Personally I'm not a cat person but I mean c'mon now it's milo. He's an exception.

Not even paying any mind to Santi, I scoop up Milo into my arms and lay back down cuddling into him. He's so soft I love it. He cuddles back into me and I almost fall back to sleep.

"Hey, wake up! Sebastian said you have to go to work with him today." Santi says shaking me a bit and I immediately turn to him after hearing his words.

"What do you mean?" I ask him with a frown. I haven't had a single conversation with Sebastian, I don't wanna have to go to work with him. Like no offense but it's awkward.

"Nobody is gonna be home today and since he's just going to our company he said you can be with him." He says

"Wouldn't he be working most of the time? Where is everyone else going?"

"Well dad and Lorenzo have work, Giovanni is going to take Draco for a vet appointment, the twins are going out with their friends all day, and I'm going over to one of my friends house." Santi says listing everyone's names off.

He adds "Also he doesn't mind that your gonna be with him. I sometimes go over to his office in our company as well."

"You have friends?" I ask everything else kinda going through my head. I never seen Santi with anyone else but Sergio.

He looks at me with an offended look that makes me burst out laughing. "Yes I have friends! Why would you ask that?! I'm literally so popular" he says with a sassy voice that make me laugh even more.

"Well it's because your always with Sergio at school whenever I see you. So I assumed you didn't have any other friends. Also you don't need to be popular to have friends." I say since it's all true. Especially the popular part I mean you can have so many people around you but not all will be your friend.

He's silent for a bit and I'm afraid I hurt his feelings or something. Before I can apologize he nods his head and replies "Yeah your right but, I actually do have a friend. He was out of school for a bit because he had a fever but now he's good so imma go hang out with him."


"Will I see him Monday? I wanna meet your friend." I say wiggling my eyebrows. I believe he has friends but I just like to mess with him, it's funny.

He rolls his eyes "yes, I told him all about you and now he's curious about you. Also he's kinda quiet so don't be offended if he doesn't talk to you much."

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