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Devin's POV - 3 months later

Summer had flown by and Rose was also now ten moths old and walking around. Thankfully, being more mature than an average human baby, she stays out of trouble for the most part. She is still a baby though so there are times where she'll get into something or try and climb things when she shouldn't. Ambrosios, James, and I are about to start our senior year and Kevin was enrolled in his junior year of high school now as well. We were actually out shopping for school supplies now because we start school on Monday. I had also tried to enroll Rose in a daycare but Corey, along with Melissa, said no to because they'd watch her while we were in school. I wasn't going to argue, at least they were free and I trusted them more than the humans that ran the local day cares. It's actually a little funny how in the months since I found out I wasn't actually human, I had grown into the supernatural way of thinking. Ambs had pointed out that I use the term humans more now without saying it as if including myself in that category.

"Devin? You alright?" Kevin asked. He and I had left the other two to take Rose over to the baby section of Walmart while Ambs and James debated over who knows what anymore. I think it was over five, three, or one subject spiral notebooks and which would be best. Idiots. Just get the five and then get singles if you needed more space for one subject.

"Yeah. Just thinking of the past months. I can't really believe how much has happened in such a short time." He nodded before squealing and running over to a stroller. I chuckled. Sometimes he acted more girly than Char-

"Devin!" loud screech ran out through the whole of Walmart and I groaned. Speak of the devil and she shall appear.

"Lower your voice Charlotte." I spoke calmly, knowing she'd hear me since she was looking for me after all. She found her way over a minute later and grinned. She went to speak before she saw the stroller Kevin was looking at and let out a squeal as well. We did not need a new stroller, we already had three, but it didn't stop them from looking at the cute jogger type stroller that was covered in pink and glitter with a rose embroidery running along the whole thing. I sighed and headed for the baby toys. Rose tended to be a little rough with her toys and I didn't really blame her. They were cheaply made things and meant for human babies. Even when she tried not to destroy them, thinking I'd be mad about having to spend more money on toys for her which I wouldn't be, she still ended up needing a replacement one within the month.

"Dada mad?" She asked as I grabbed a few new toys and tossed them in the basket on top of my school supplies. I pressed a kiss to her head, her being in that belly carrier thing Corey had insisted I get made it easy to do.

"No baby girl. I'm not. It's fine. You know dad doesn't mind buying you new toys when you need them." She giggled and smiled up at me.

"Anyways, I thought I'd let you know that I'm transferring to your school for this year." I sighed and glared over at Charlotte. She gasped and pouted when she realized I had just nullified her vampire side. I did that to them when I got annoyed or they said something I did not like. "Aww why'd you go and do that? I thought you'd love having me in school with you guys."

"Because you're loud and obnoxious now that I'm not a scared and skittish little human. It's headache inducing and you just told me that you'll be at my school for the whole school year." I muttered before heading over for the blankets. Rose had accidentally caught her last one on fire. Not how you might be thinking she did. She had thrown it into the little campfire we'd made in our backyard last week for s'mores. It was her security blanket one so she was relatively fine until today when I finally had free time to just go shopping. "What one do you want princess?" I ask Rose as we look over the blankets. She turns her head to look at them and points over to a purple security blanket with little fairies surrounding irises in one corner and little irises stitched in around the rest of the blanket. She told me a month ago that she was tired of everything being covered in roses. I was as guilty as the others for that but I was more willing to look at other things. Everyone else? Not so much.

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