Chapter Thirteen

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Devin's POV - 

"Alright. You might not like what I'm about to tell you though." He said, a last chance to back out but i gesture for him to go on. He sighs but nods. "Your parents weren't really your parents. They were the people that your parents had chosen as your guardians to raise you in a normal life until you were eighteen. When you would be told about what you are and who you are. You are a prince, last surving heir to the throne. And you are not human, not fully anyways."

And that was the last of his explanation I heard. I didn't pass out or have some sort of panic attack, my brain just seemed to shut down as I just stared at him. You know in those movies when the main character had this shocking revelation or that moment where nothing else exists in their mind but the person they were looking at. That's what was going on now. I knew Cory was talking, James was trying to say something, I'm sure Ams was, and I heard none of it. Their images got all blurry as my focus seemed to slip right on by Cory to land on the wall and the clock behind him, it was the only thing in focus right now. This lasted a few minutes, I only knew that because there were two things that made it obvious. I could see the hands on the clock on the wall move and the repetitive ticking of the second hand was the only thing I could hear.

"I'm not......fully.........human?" I barely mutter out, my mind finally returning to me. Cory looked relieved that I was fine, well sort of anyways. He gave a small nod, afraid of what my reaction would be. Smart decision. I felt like some skittish rabbit. One wrong move and I'd run, one loud sound and I'd be diving for cover. "Than what am I?" I managed to ask. I finally felt Ambrosios's hands against my shoulders and was glad for his support right now. I could feel him probing at my mind now and shoved him out, I didn't want anyone in my mind right now. I didn't even want to be in it myself.

"You are one of a kind. You are human but not. You are an unknown in our world, but you are part of our world. Your father mother were humans that started to dable in black magic. Humans that wanted to be witches but they were headed for the darker magic. You had three elder siblings that had been learning magic with them. You were in your mother's womb at the time but they didn't now yet. All that dark magic that was coursing through her blood had an effect on you. by the time your mother found out you were growing inside her, it was too late to keep the dark magic from effecting you. she had stopped using the magic herself until you born in hopes that you wouldn't be effected. They have been children that were born and died because of the magic, being unable to handle the strong magic without being connected to their mother anymore. Children born with magic coursing through them because their parents were natural born witches have no problems, their bodies are made to handle the magic. When you were born, your mother cried because you were healthy." He told me. I was surprised a bit by this information but not as disturbed as I thought I'd be.

"If that the case then, how am I not fully human? If the magic did not effect me then wouldn't I be human?" I asked.

"Normally yes. Especially since your parents were human, even if they now had magic. But you were special. Most babies cry when born, seem so small and fragile. You didn't cry and you seemed strong, though you were still small. Most babies can't hold their heads up on their own for quite some time. You were trying to sit up  and look around, moving your head around to examine your surroundings. You were calm, quiet, and observant." He said as he looked at me. "You were amazing, learning to walk and talk, though mostly a few words at a time, way before was normal. Your parents and brothers were proud of you and loved you. You were about seven years younger than the youngest of them so all wanted to protect you. When you were almost one though, people had already heard of you, of how you were born of dark magic. Your parents began getting threats from creatures of our world. To kill you or hand you over for  them to kill." I looked at him confused.

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