Chapter One

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Devin's POV

"Devin! Come on we are going to be late if you don't get up soon!"

I grumbled and rolled over, pulling the covers back up over my head for a second before I quickly tossed them off. I spent a minute trying to regain my normal breathing and heart rate. The blanket had blocked out the light that filtered through the large wall of windows and caused me to panic before I had thrown them off myself. I jumped when at the knock on my door. He slid out of my bed and walked over to unlock the door, Cory had made sure I had locks on my door so I felt safer which I did. He'd also made sure i had the only key and had a witch create a barrier around my room to keep vampires from just popping into my room or walking in without my permission. Of course if they got permission once, they never needed it again.

I looked up at Cory as he stood with a smile on his face. "Morning Devin. James is in a rush and I figured you'd rather be woken and rushed by me than him." I rolled my eyes as he laughed. James was Cory's son, yes vampires were born as well as turned, and I thought of him as my little brother. Of course he and I were actually in the same grade, now juniors in high school, because he was smart and Cory had 'convinced' the school district to let him skip a grade. It was the year I went back to school after my...incident. I refused to think of it as anything more than that.

"Ya, because being woken by pounding on my door and screaming until i unlocked the door then tackled to the ground is not my idea of a good morning." I grumbled, rubbing the back of my head as i yawned. Cory laughed again and shook his head.

"You know he loves you like an older brother, he just gets a bit overexcited at times."

"A bit? I still can't believe he's such a morning person especially for a vampire." I said then saw that Cory was about to interject, correcting me like always about them. "I know, I know. Vampires can live like a normal human. They can out in the sun, most that you've met are actually more morning people than night owls, garlic and crosses and holy water aren't effective against vampires unless they are allergic to garlic and even then it won't really cause them any harm. A stake through the chest would only kill a human but being dismembered and burned will kill both humans and vamps. You have reflections and show up in photos. I know Cory, I do, that doesn't mean I'm not going to throw a cliché out when I'm tired or annoyed by James."

Cory just laughed and ruffled my hair, i hated when he did that, before walking back down the stairs. "Just get dressed. i don't think Care Bear boxers are what you want to go to school in." I blushed and slammed the door shut, locking it before walking over to my mirror. Yep, I was wearing my Care Bear boxers. I only wore them at home, usually when I had no intentions of going out. I was too tired last night after my shower and must have grabbed them by mistake. I sighed and went to my dresser pulling out a plain pair of black boxers as well as a pair or dark blue ripped skinny jeans and a blood red t-shirt that was maybe a bit too small but I still wore it.

I stood back in front of my mirror once again. The jeans fit my legs perfectly, showing off my ass nicely. The shirt was tight but thankfully not cut of circulation tight. It showed off my six pack as well as the muscles in my arms. No, I'm not the body builder type, more like a dancer type when it comes to my body build. Yes, I still hated what happened seven years ago but I showed my body off to prove to myself that I'm fine, not to get attention. Yes I am gay, no I don't have a boyfriend, yes I have someone I like, and no he doesn't like me back. Everyone in school knows I'm gay, not one of those flamboyant feminine types but I am, and they don't really care. Sure there are a few homophobic students around but no one messes with me, just stares at me like I'm the devil. I just laugh because I'm far from it and know creatures much closer to being the devil than I ever will be.

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