Chapter Two

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Devin's POV

I was greeted by darkness as I started to wake up. Before I could panic or scream, whatever had been covering my eyes was removed. I saw Cory and James standing over me as I lay in my bed. I blinked a few times, trying to figure out what was happening when I t all came back to me. I shuttered when I remembered the last thing I had heard before everything because unclear then nothing. James grabbed my hand as Cory ran his hand over my cheek and smiled. They were trying to calm me and I appreciated it.

"You alright Devin? I'm sorry, I should have been trying to read his mind after what you told me about him. I could have kept this from happening." James sad, lying slightly about me telling him about Ambrosios but that didn't matter to me.

"James, it's not your fault. I could have just ignored him but instead I'd turned to talk to him. He probably wouldn't have said anything if I just left him alone."

"Devin. James. It's no one's fault. You hear me? You aren't supposed to be using your abilities anyways so there's nothing you could have done James. And Devin, he was bothering you so of course you're going to tell him off. There was no way you could have known what he was going to say." Leave it to Cory to rationalize everything. The two teens are sitting here trying to blame their selves and the adult steps in to get rid of the blame altogether. I smiled, a small chuckle escaping before I sat up.

"Thanks Cory." I said as the both backed up to give me space again. This wasn't the first time I'd had a panic attack or passed out from something being said, digging up long buried memories. Though it was the first time in a while. Cory smiled and James pat me on the back before they both headed for the door.

"Well, it's lunch time if you're hungry or you can get some more sleep and we'll get you up for dinner. I already called the school to tell them you two would be out for the rest of the day." Cory said. I just smiled and waved them off. Once they were out of the room, I got up and locked the door. I walked over to the wall of windows and looked out. Sure enough, there were moving vans and people across the street. One of the men over there must have felt me staring because he suddenly turned and looked directly at me. He smiled and waved which of course got the attention of the others there.

They all looked similar and all too much like Ambrosios. Two men a little older than me and then one that must have been the father, as well as a young girl maybe ten and an older women who could only be the mother. They all looked at me as if expecting me to wave back and maybe come down and say hi. A gave a simple wave before turning away from the window and going back to my bed. I figured sleeping until dinner would work best for me.

Amrosios's POV 

To say I was annoyed would be putting it mildly. Not only was the guy hot and entirely my type, he had admitted to being gay. He was perfect and his ginger hair looked like fire in certain lights and his eyes stood out. Of course I had to go and be a dick and scare him off. More than that, I tried to compel him and failed miserably. It was the first time that had ever happened. He had looked directly in my eyes and I thought I saw him falling into it only to have him turn away from it. That wasn't the worst part though, I had actually voiced my thoughts out loud to him in our fourth period and his eyes went distant as his body froze up. I heard his heart start pounding out a fast rhythm as if scared. I had no idea what I'd done wrong, I mean aside from sexually harass him, that would cause that kind of reaction. Before I could try and make sure he was alright, another boy had shot up out of his seat yelling that he was taking his brother home before he ran over Devin and began to pack his things up and take him out of there, but not before shooting a death glare in my direction.

I made it through the rest of that period and was glad lunch was next. I left the school grounds and went over to my brand new red corvette. My parents bought it for me last month and we picked it up last night as we arrived in the states. I couldn't care less about the rest of my classes for the day and could just compel my teachers later if I needed to. I needed to get home and talk with my dad. There was something strange about Devin and his brother, if he even was his real brother. They looked nothing alike and the other boy had given off an aura that said he wasn't human when Devin quite obviously was. Nine of it was making sense.

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