Chapter Seventeen

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Devin's POV -

It's been a few days and aside from having no idea what I'm doing in school, everything is pretty normal. Ambrose had been sleep ing over at his house so I didn't feel uncomfortable. I can feel our bond, now that I know we have one, but I still don't really believe we're mates. I've seen his memories, both what he's shown me himself and what I've found while reading his mind...note to self, stay out of his mind. Not a safe place for me. He's managed to keep a lot of things locked up though, like what I supposedly am that Cory has yet to tell me or what all happened to actually stress me out so much. Aside from trying to juggle school work and Rose, there isn't really much stress for me right now.

"Devin?" I looked up to my open door, yes I've opted to leave it open, and see Cory standing there. Rose was across the street with Ambrosios and his family right now, and had been since lunch, and I was currently sitting on my bed staring at the last things I have of my parents. Sad really that it's just a broken shard of glass and half a locket now but they both were once beautiful things and the glass shard hard been a part of an ornament, a simple little decoration in our house, but had been something we thought of as a protection charm. Silly the things you believe when you're little and everything is always rainbows and unicorns. Cory was eyeing the glass shard warily though and I had no idea why. I cleared my throat and he looked back up to meet my eyes.

"Yes?" I asked and he came in and sat beside me on my bed.

"Why do you have that out?"

"Same reason I always do? You've asked me this before Cory. Are you sure you aren't the one that's lost his mind?" I jest and he tries, and fails, to laugh it off.

"Sorry, just cautious when it comes to you at the moment." He says and I shrug before I get up and return the glass shard and locket to my drawer and sit back down. Cory seemed relieved once the glass shard was back in it's drawer.

"You sure that's all it is?" He nodded and I let it be...for now. I will get my answers from him. "So what did you need?"

"Oh right. I wanted to finally just get it over with and tell you what Ambrose said I'd tell you." I gave him a look and he shrugged. "You didn't very much like the conversation the first time so I wasn't looking forward to a repeat of it."

"I didn't choose to forget you know...Not on purpose anyways." I muttered and rubbed my temples to relieve the headache I got every time I tried to think about something I have forgotten.

"I know. If you're alright with it, I'd rather just share the memory with you of my explanation than try and explain it all again." I simply nodded. I was getting the information either way, one was just easier on him so it didn't matter to me how he told me so long as he told me finally. He lifted his hands and gently pressed his fingers to my temple and I felt my eyes grow heavy as he showed me his memories of the first time he told me. To say I was shocked would be an understatement.

"So, I'm pretty much the biggest danger to everyone I know?" I questioned softly. I could tell he wasn't showing me the whole memory, just what I needed to know, but I didn't care about that. All I cared about was that he kept this from me for so long. What had made him tell me when he did? Is that why I was so stressed that it caused my mind to try and protect me by erasing those memories? I cringed as I felt a sharp pain in my head and got flashes of memories, ones I didn't actually remember at the moment but I knew they were mine. The forest, running, fear, and the need to protect Rose from something.

"-in...Devin! Devin can you hear me? What's wrong?" Cory's panicked voice reached me and pulled me out of the memories. I groaned and rubbed at my temples.

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