Chapter Three

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Ambrosios's POV

I was an idiot. After my careless comment last night, my family decided to all get in on scolding me. Mother started with father adding in his opinions. Then my brothers each had their own little lectures when the parents weren't listening. I had a headache from hell and then I nightmare, one I was sure was planted by the vampire across the street. By the time I woke the next morning, I was covered in sweat and tangle in my sheets. I was breathing heavy, trying to fully wake up from the nightmare. It was one of a boy being raped, one that looked familiar but I still couldn't place who it was. All I knew was I felt my heart being torn in half at the vision. What scared me though, was how the boy's eyes seemed lifeless and cold, as if he'd given up on life. He could have been older than Saina and he was there chained to a wall by his ankle as four vampires surrounded and raped him.

After blinking and letting the nightmare fade away, I got out of bed and went to the bathroom attached to my room for a shower before breakfast. I had woken before my alarm and so I knew I could take my time and let the cold water flow over my body, soothing me and wiping away the remnants of the nightmare. It was strange really. I thought it was something Cory might have created but I wasn't the one staring in the nightmare. If he wanted to scare me or something, wouldn't he have had the nightmare center on me instead of some unknown young boy? I shook my head, figuring I'd never figure it out anyways. After another few minutes just sitting under the water, I finally got out and dried off.

After getting dressed I sat on my bed and stared up at the ceiling before my eyes roamed back to the childish way the room was painted. I planned to fix it over the weekend but I felt this strange need to keep it the way it was. I had no idea why but I did. As I was starting to contemplate the reason behind it, I heard my alarm go off and jumped slightly. I sighed and shut it off before yanking on a pair of athletic shoes and heading down stairs. I was surprised to see Nicholai sitting at the table munching on toast with a cup in front of him. By the scent I was smelling it wasn't orange juice he had in the cup. I rolled my eyes and walked over to him, hanging my arms over his shoulders from behind. I sniffed and placed my chin on top of his head.

"How can you drink blood first thin in the morning? I mean seriously. I feel like vomiting when I do." I said to him before he slapped at my arms to get me to get off him. I obliged and walked back to the fridge to find some regular food for my breakfast.

"Because I'm a better vampire than you? I don't know Ambrose. How can you tolerate a full human meal for breakfast?" He countered and I just shrugged, ignoring his jab about being a better vampire. If he was Aleki's age or older I might believe him but he was only a year older than me. I was seventeen, he was eighteen, and Aleki was around thirty-two. Then of course there was little Saina who was ten. My parents apparently wanted to have a normal age range between at least two of their kids apparently. That meant I'd have to suffer through at least one more year of being in the same school as him. Don't get me wrong, my brothers and I all got along just fine, but I couldn't stand constantly being together. At home was one thing but having to spend the entire day and night with him because we both went to the same school, not as fun.

"I driving us to school or you? Or do you plan to show up on your own?" I asked as I decided for simple for breakfast just to prove I didn't always eat a full course breakfast all the time. I shove two BBQ beef hot pockets in the microwave and waited for them to cook.

"Eh, you can. I don't feel like risking my Bumble Bee at the place called high school." Yes, my brother bought the same type of car and had it painted to match Bumble Bee from those transformer movies. Sure it was cool but a bit ridiculous. I mean he only drove it from the auto shop that he'd had it painted at to our house then put a car cover on it and hasn't touched it since. He was too afraid it's get scratched. Whatever, that just meant I was the only one at school with the cool car. And I am not kidding when i say that. I had looked around the parking lot yesterday, and granted there were quite a few newer model cars, they were all normal cars really. Quite a few Ford Focuses, a Prius or two, a few Bugs (the cutesy little bubble ones not the classic ones), and a few pickups. It was like no one had any individuality. I mean even color wise they were all similar. Mostly black or silver, a few white, and the rest variations of blue from navy to sky. Thankfully the only sky blue cars were the bugs which probably meant they were owned by a girl.

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