Chapter Eleven

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Devin's POV-

It felt warm and comfortable. I didn't want to get up. I snuggled back into my bed, snuggling my pillow closer. It was one of my few peaceful nights where I wasn't plagued by nightmares. I loved those because I actually got some sleep and wouldn't feel like I got hit by a truck.

"Stop wiggling, you aren't helping my morning wood here." I heard my pillow grumble before my blankets tightened around me......wait. My pillow doesn't talk and my blanket can't tighten itself around me. I focused on the warmth surrounding me and slowly realized I was snuggled up against someone and they had their arms wrapped tightly around my wait. I was laying on their chest and using it like a pillow. And true to the person's word, I could feel something pressing up against my thigh that was draped over them. I pulled away and tumbled out of bed and realized I was naked. What happened last night? Did I get dragged to some party by James and end up drinking on accident? I looked up when I heard a chuckle coming from my bed. I couldn't help the smile that spread on my face when I saw Ambrosios's face peeking over the edge of the bed at me.

"Wait, wait, wait. Why am I naked and snuggling you in my bed? Did we...did you...what did we..." I couldn't even form the questions I wanted to ask completely. I watched his fall as he looked pained and angry at the same time. I yanked the sheet that had fallen from the bed with me and wrapped it around myself, feeling too exposed.

"You don't remember what happened yesterday?" He asked and I had to stop and think for a minute. Yesterday was...Friday right. We had school. I was still keeping him from kissing me again but had planned to let him after school. Classes were boring as usual, people were still staring at me, no doubt from the rumour mill spreading what my P.E. period had  witnessed in the locker room along with the other displays between Ams and me. Then there was lunch. Ams seemed spaced but told me he'd been thinking of were to take me this weekend. Of course the weather had seemed to want to ruin plans that involved outdoors. I'd excused myself to think then...what happened after that? Why did my mind go all fuzzy at lunch? Why was it pounding when I tried to remember? I looked up at him a confused face.

"I only remember up to" And there it was. What my mind had tried t keep from me. His and James talking in the hall, my decision to let him feed from me and to complete our bond, the sudden blackness as I was taken again, the basement, the torture and rape, the lust that soaked into my body then the haze that clouded me and then nothing. Waking up to Ams thinking I'd died, wishing I had, and apologizing. Then the truth that I wasn't that I was actually sitting there with him and then the tears and letting everything out. How I wouldn't let him leave my side, not even for pajamas, and then the peaceful sleep that I fell into. "Oh." Was all I could get out and he seemed to realize that I remembered everything now. He sat up and went to reach for me and I jumped back and scrambled away, still on the floor and looking up at him in fear that suddenly came over me. I saw the hurt that crossed his face before he smiled sadly at me and got. He was going to leave. I was going to let him. "No you aren't!" My mind yelled  at me. That was all I need to shove myself off the ground, not caring that the sheet fell, and threw my arms around his waist, pressing my cheek into his back and holding him as tight as I could. "Don't leave." I heard him chuckled slightly before he turned in my arms and pulled me into his chest.

"I wasn't going to. I was going to give you a minute while I went pee. I could never leave you, not after last night, not ever again." He said as he placed a kiss against my forehead as I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment.

"But, I moved away from your touch and then you smiled sadly before getting up and walking away. I thought you were going to leave me." I muttered into his chest, hiding my face. He didn't seem to want me hiding it though as I felt him slip his hand under my chin and tilt my head up to him.

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