Sick and Cuddles|Childe x Zhongli

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Childe got sick and Zhongli needed to give Chiilde documents regarding the fatui.


•3rd Person POV•

It was quite a gloomy day but everything was normal except for one thing. Childe was sick.

He woke up with a bad headache but still tries to get up for work,but he collapsed in the middle of getting changed.So after this he just went back to bed thinking he couldn't get his things done this day and will have to do twice the work tomorrow.

He didn't have any medicine so his headache was still bad.But he managed to fall asleep.

•Zhongli's POV•

I was told to give some documents to Childe regarding the Fatui but as I approached his office I didn't feel any presence. So I thought he just went on a job.But when I asked one of the Fatui agents,he said he hasn't seen Childe enter the office which was quite strange since he usually gets to his office at 6am and it was now 9am. I started getting worried so I asked for his address which was not easily given to me but I managed to get it.

As I approached his house I felt a presence which was quite relieving but I was still a bit concerned to why he didn't go to work today.

I knocked on his door,but nobody answered so I tried to open the door but it was locked. Atleast he locks his doors. But this just meant I had to use other techniques to get.My choices were to destroy the door or to pick the lock which I have never done before so that would be harder.But then again I don't have any mora to fix the door if I destroy it so I think I'll just pick the second option.So I got a pin from my hair and tried to pick the lock with was much easier than I expected.

As I tried to find Childe I passed a couple rooms before I finally found where he was.He was sleeping in his bedroom which was weird because as long as I have known him I knew he never overslept even if he only slept for 2 hours.

But as I got closer I noticed his body heat was strangely high.So I learned down to check his temperature but he woke up thinking it was an assassin or something so he grabbed my arm and twisted it.I winced in pain.Yes,I was an archon but I still feel pain.

"Ow,Childe that hurts."

•3rd Person POV•

When Childe noticed who it was he immediately apologized.

"Zhongli Xiangshen..? IM SO SORRY I THOUGHT YOU WERE SOMEONE ELSE." Childe said panicking.

"It's fine Childe.Calm down." Zhongli said trying to calm down Childe.

After Childe calmed down.Zhongli asked if he was sick. Zhongli didn't know how it feels like being sick since he was an archon almost his entire life but knew it could put your body in great danger if your immune system was terrible.

"Are you sick Childe?" Zhongli asked with concern.

"Maybe.." Childe said.

Zhongli sighs and tucks Childe into bed.

"Wait here I'll get medicine." Zhongli said about to stand up until Childe pulls him by the collar and hugs him.

"Nooooo, stay with me"Childe says not very aware that he said that since his mind was cloudy and his head hurt.

Zhongli blushed.

"Childe I have to buy medicine for you."

"Stayyyy" Childe said pouting.

Zhongli couldn't resist Childe's cute face so he gave in.
(I'm getting second hand embarrassment from myself typing this)

Zhongli eventually got sleepy and slept with Childe hugging him.

Childe woke up the next day not since anymore but when he found zhongli next to him hugging him he almost passed out.When he tried to remember what happend while he was sick he blushed from embarrassment.

Zhongli woke up from Childe moving and blushed remembering what happend the day before.

They both agreed that it was only because Childe was sick even though Childe knew that wasn't the case.He just wanted Zhongli with him.

Zhongli felt a little warm and it turns out he got sick from Childe so it was Childe's turn to take care of him.Childe and Zhongli ended up doing 3x the work the next day.


(This is so cringy I'm dieing rn hope you enjoyed tho please give me ideas.And hopefully I will update this more than my Langa x Reki one shot book which I update abt once a month-)

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