Invasion: Part I

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"People often say that this or that person has not yet found himself. But the self is not something one finds, it is something one creates. "

-Thomas Szasz

Oliver slid a hand over his face as he stood among the group of individuals that Barry had brought together to stop aliens. They were currently waiting around for Barry who was apparently going to bring an alien of their own to join this team. He let out a sigh because he thinks he knows who is coming. Oliver glanced over to see Felicity already working away with Caitlin and Cisco, while Bruce seemed to have disappeared. Oliver glanced around with a slight frown. He knew Bruce wasn't a team player kind of guy so he could only assume the man was probably off trying to fix this all on his own.

"I know that look." a voice spoke from behind him and Oliver turned with a slight smile the familiar face of Sara Lance. The woman and Ray Palmer were now a apart of the team that called themselves Legends. "So I heard today specifically sucks for you. I mean besides the whole aliens from another planet." Oliver lightly laughed. "I can imagine it's hard to celebrate a wedding anniversary without your wife." Oliver turned away and sighed.

"It is, but we live in a world where aliens exist and need to be stopped and so I spend my anniversary here with all of you instead of the person I want to spend this day with." he glanced back over to the woman. "No offense, I am happy to see you, it's just-"

"I get it." Sara glanced around. "So she's sitting this fight out?" Oliver turn with a nod. "I guess after the past couple of months she's had, maybe this isn't the fight she's jumping at the chance to be a part of, but it is-"


"You're not going to want to hear this, but with League, under the teachings of the demon, we're taught to survive, to assert our dominance, and to never step down from a threat." Oliver turned away. "Since I found her in that fortress, I've never seen her turn away from a fight."

"She isn't following the teachings of the demon anymore." Oliver said with a slight shake of his head. "She's finally got him out of her head."

"You know I doubt that." Sara replied and Oliver turned to her. "We all hated that man for what he did to us, what he put inside of us. But his teachings, no matter how hard we try, they're still inside of us. He's always there, and we can pretend that he's not, and we can choose to ignore his voice, but it won't make him go away. We were taught to fight, so her sitting this one out seems kind of out of character."

They hear the uptake of distant wind before Barry speeds in, but he's not alone. They all turn to Barry who is standing next to the blonde woman currently wearing the red and blue suit, the red cape billowing behind her.

"Guys-" Barry says with a bit out of breath as he walks over to them. "Thanks for coming." Sara glances from the man to the caped woman behind her, not proud of her quick once over of the woman before turning back to Barry.

"I thought you were bringing an alien?" she asked.

"Uh, yeah, I did," Barry said before turning to Kara. "Everyone, this is uh, my friend Kara Danvers." he turned back to the others. "For those here who aren't aware, she is also known as Supergirl." Kara waved to the team before turning to Oliver who didn't seem too thrilled to see her. She assumed he wouldn't.

Sara turned to Oliver, seeing the slight frown on his face. "I know that look too. What's up?" Oliver turned to Sara before turning back to Kara and Barry who looked slightly nervous.

"I know we're going to have to have a conversation about this later, but we really needed all the help we could get." Barry said before turning to Kara.

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