Stepping Up

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"Growing up is losing some illusions, in order to acquire others. "

Virginia Wolf

Arianna Locke opened her eyes this morning expecting to feel different. Well she was a bit sore from the previous night's mission. They got a lead of one of Church's cronies. It was yet a teachable moment Oliver had in place for all of them and of course Rene did the opposite of the plan leaving Oliver to step in and finish the job with an arrow to the perp's leg. The whole thing put Oliver in a mood, and he left them there with the expectation that they deliver the bad guy, and his mysterious brief case from Kord industries, to the Anti-Crime Unit.

But that was yesterday. Today though was her sixteenth birthday. She expected to feel older...maybe wiser, and yet she felt the same as she did the day before. She laid in bed for a moment, looking up to her ceiling wondering if maybe there was just a delay in that feeling. She gave up hope after a while and finally stood from her bed. She walked over to the mirror and looked over herself figuring maybe the change was more physical. She turned a bit, sliding a hand over her stomach and looking at her butt and it was all still the same. She frowned slightly when she heard sounds outside of her door, and when she turned there was a knock before the door opened and in came Katie, and Oliver who held Robyn in his arms all wearing birthday hats while blowing noise makers.

"Good you're awake." Katie says with a smile as she looks over to the girl. She turned to Oliver and gave a nod before they turned back to Ari.

"Do not sing!" Ari said suddenly and they turned back to her in confusion. "I've heard both of you sing and I don't think my ears could handle it." Ari says walking over to them. "Why are you busting in my room?"

"Because it's your birthday, you sour puss." Katie replied reaching over and messing with the girl's wild curls before she's shooed away. "We were going to annoy you as much as you annoy us because that's how much we love you."

"Ha ha," Ari says looking over to Oliver who stood there looking at her not saying a word. "What's with you?" Oliver still didn't say anything before he shook his head and left the room. Ari quirked a brow and turned back to Katie. "What was that?"

"Do worry about it. Oliver is having issues of his own today. He'll get over it." Katie says with a smile. "So are you ready for your first birthday present?" a smile pulled at Ari's lips. "Close your eyes and hold out your hands." The teen did as she was told, hoping car keys were about to be dropped in her hands. She frowned at the feel of paper. "Ok open." Ari opened her eyes to see a folded letter. She looked over to Katie who lightly laughed. "Read it." Ari unfolded the letter and began skimming it.

"I'm not getting expelled?" Ari asked looking back over to Katie.

"Nope. You're going to continue the after school tutoring twice a week for the rest of the month, but that's the extent of your punishment. I talked to Principal Harris and he says he talked to some other students who witnessed what happened and even though he doesn't agree with how you handled the situation he and the rest of the school board see the entire altercation was instigated by Brandon. I guess Brandon will have his own punishment soon."

"What about his parents?"

"No idea, but I'm hoping the fact that I helped Mr. Burns with getting a new job will make them more susceptible to the whole thing." Katie shrugged. "Alright, get cleaned up. Oliver's making you birthday waffles."

"What's the difference between the regular waffles he makes?"

"Sprinkles!" Katie says laughing as she leaves the girl's room.

When Katie walked into the kitchen, she smiled over to Robyn who was sitting in her child seat watching her father who moved about the kitchen.

"So do you want to talk about what just happened?" Katie asked and Oliver glanced over to her for a moment before going to the refrigerator and grabbing some milk.

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