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"Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it. "

-Tori Amos

"Look I know-" Katie listened as Ari began what she imagined was another excuse. A sudden chill crept down her spine, and a tiny voice in her head told her to look to her left. That's when she saw the car. She'd already drove forward, but even if she hit the gas she wasn't going make it out of the impact. She literally had a split second to make a decision with how to proceed. She's heard stories of patients who found themselves in situations like this. How they just froze and stopped thinking and just let the inevitable end just happen. For Katie the moment was different. In that split second only one thing mattered. She quickly turned to the wide eyes of Ari. Katie could feel the sudden rise of power that seemed to just appear and focused every ion of her being on making one thing happen. She wanted Ari and Robyn out of this car, and so she lifted her hands and felt the surge of heat and light.

In the blink of an eye they were gone. Katie let out a quick breath, turning back to the left and in an instant darkness.

It was a strange darkness. Katie seemed to be aware of it. Like she was actually in the darkness. Normally there's darkness and then in the next moment she's back, but this time she was stuck. She couldn't really feel anything, but she could hear. Barely, but there were what sounded like muffled voices. Then she hears what she thinks is Robyn crying and she so badly want to go to her. She wants to find her baby and pull her into her arms, but she's just stuck in the darkness. She's there for what feels like an eternity, but then without warning she finds herself standing in the barren halls of a hospital.

Katie looks around with wide eyes as she stands in the dim lit halls. She turns hoping to see someone, but there's no one there. There's a sound and she whips her head back around. It sounds like a voice and without a thought Katie takes a step only to stop when her path is blocked by the sudden appearance of someone who's not supposed to be there.


Grace stands there, her eyes sad as she shakes her head and lifts her hands to block Katie from going any further.

"What's happening?" Katie looks around again before a sudden thought hits her and she turns back to her mother. "Am I dead?" A deep throaty laughter echoes around them and Katie looks up and around for the source. "Is someone else here?" Katie turns back to Grace who still hasn't said a word. "What's going on, why aren't you saying anything."

"That's a good question." spoke a voice from behind her. Katie turned with wide eyes to see John Constantine who walked over to stand beside her as he looked over to Grace who met his eyes. He looked over to Katie before turning back to Grace.

"What the hell is happening?" Katie asked looking between the pair.

"You were in an accident." Constantine recounted still looking at Grace who silently looked over to him. "You're not waking up." Constantine leaned in a bit closer to Grace. "What's going on Gracie?" Constantine tilts his head before letting out a sigh and pulling back. "You're not Grace." he looks over to Katie. "This is a dream." the laughter once again carried down the halls. Katie turned her head thinking the source was further down the hall, and so she took a step, only for her mother to take a step to block her.

"What are you doing?" Grace didn't answer.

"That's not really your mother. Just a dream version who doesn't want you to see where that sound is coming from." Constantine said glancing down the hall. "I think she's trying to protect you from something."

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