Don't Look Back

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"Never confuse a single defeat with a final defeat."

F. Scott Fitzgerald

Oliver thinks he has taken waking up in bed with his wife for granted. There's nothing really special about it, but after weeks of sleeping alone, he realized nothing compared to it. The night before, when he laid down beside her, he remembers closing his eyes, and then the next he's waking up. No nightmares. No memories. Just the peaceful comfort he feels when he's with her.

Though since their reconciliation he has noticed something. At first, he didn't think much of it, but now he can't help but to notice it. After the bunker lock down, and both Katie and Oliver were cleared from the ARGUS doctors to go home, Oliver returned home with Katie. He just assumed after their conversation, that it only made sense that things would go back to normal. And it sort of did. It was just Oliver noticed that at night Katie would always be in bed before him, asleep, and in the morning she would be gone. He wasn't sure if he was just making a mountain out of a mole hill, but he still thinks he should bring it up.

Oliver sat up at the sound of the doorbell. He glanced over to the clock. It was pretty early, so a visitor seemed odd. Oliver stepped out of bed, grabbed a shirt and pulled it on before heading out of the room. On his way down, he glanced over into the nursery to find Robyn wasn't there, which meant she was probably downstairs with Katie.

When he came downstairs, he looked over to the door, but then turned toward the kitchen at the sound of an unfamiliar voice and so he went to check it out. Stepping in the kitchen, Oliver didn't expect to see the teenage boy sitting at the table beside his daughter.

"Jamie?" Oliver glanced from the boy to Katie who brought over a box of cereal, bowl and milk to sit on the table. "Why is he here?"

"He's trying to find Ari." Katie replied turning to Jamie who sat up a bit as he looked over to Oliver.

"Sir, I know what you said the last time we spoke, but I haven't heard anything from Ari in almost a month, and that's not like her. She would've called me by now."

Oliver turned away once again from the boy to his wife. "How long has this been going on?" Katie opened her mouth to respond when the doorbell once again rang. Oliver let out a sigh. "I got it." he turned and headed for the door and pulled it opened to find one of the guards standing beside a young man. Oliver glanced back to see the bike propped up in the driveway.

"It's a bike messenger, sir." the guard confirmed. "We've verified his credentials." Oliver gave the guard a nod before watching the guard turn and walk away. He turned back to the messenger.

"That was—that was kind of scary." the bike messenger turned back to Oliver and cleared his throat. "Uh, yeah, sorry–" he reached into his bag and pulled out a large envelope. "I have documents for Mrs. Queen." he turned back to Oliver.

"I'll sign for it." Oliver held out hand, but the messenger shook his head.

"Sorry sir, I have to hand this to the actual recipient." the messenger looked on nervously, but relieved when the door behind Oliver opened a bit and out came Katie. "Mrs. Queen, I have documents for you." the messenger handed the envelope to Katie who looked at it in confusion before signing the release.

Oliver and Katie walked back inside of the house, and Oliver glanced over to Katie.

"You expecting something?"

"No." she replied looking over the envelope. "It's from my lawyers, but I–" she suddenly stopped talking as if to realize something. She turned back to Oliver and just shook her head. "It's probably more files they could dig up on Heather." she turned to walk away.

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