The Conversation

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"Marriage is an attempt to solve problems together which you didn't even have when you were on your own."

-Eddie Cantor

It was a strange hallway. Oliver stood, his eyes glancing back before turning back forward trying to figure out where the hell he was. He began walking, his footstep echoing around him. He suddenly stopped at the sudden sound laughing from up ahead. He only took a few steps more before appearing in front of a door. He looked at the number on the door before glancing around once again. Was he in a hospital?

Oliver's eyes snapped open. Pain was the first signal to his brain. He suddenly remembers the moments before opening his eyes and he quickly sat up.

"Twinkie?" he frantically looked around. When he spotted her laying on the floor, he stood to his feet and rushed over to her, dropping to her side. "Hey, Katie?" he placed a hand to her cheek leaning in and dropping his ear to her chest. Her heart was beating. He lifted his head up. "Katie, open your eyes." Katie groaned, turning her head and cracking open her eyes. "That's it, hey, look at me." she brought her eyes to Oliver who let out a sigh of relief.

"What happened?" she glanced around. "Is Chase here?"

Oliver suddenly remembered what they saw on the computer, and he turned once again letting his eyes scan the bunker. He spotted a gun on the floor and grabbed it before turning to Katie who was sitting up.

"Stay here." he said before standing to his feet and searching the bunker.

Katie slid a hand over the back of her head before standing to her feet. She let her eyes move around the bunker, now realizing how dark it was. She took a step, but stopped at the sudden dizzy feeling. She closed her eyes and let out a deep breath before opening her eyes. They needed lights.

She found the chemlights in the drawer near the weapons cabinet, turning it on and shining it around the bunker. She began walking around, holding up the light, but she didn't see anything. She slid a hand over the back of her head once again, then looked down to her fingers to see blood. She let out a nervous breath before walking over to take a seat.

After a few minutes, Oliver walked back over. "No sign of Chase." he glanced around. "What the hell even was that? It seemed like an explosion, but there's isn't much damage."

"Maybe it was an EMP." Katie said and he turned to her. "A burst of electromagnetic radiation." she glanced around. "That would explain why all the power is out." she turned to meet Oliver's gaze. "And you're wondering how I know that?"

"It's one of many questions."

She chuckled. "I saw soldiers use them in Bosnia." she glanced around the bunker. "But if he really knocked out the power, how the hell are we getting out of here." she turned to Oliver.

"Elevator and security doors are offline."

"Emergency exit, or the roof?"

"Welded shut."

Katie turned away and slid her hands over her face as she tried to think of something else.

"The air vents are gonna go out too." she sighed.

"The air vents are going to last a little while longer, but yeah, we got to get a message out."

Katie glanced over to him. "Other than yelling really loudly at the doors, I don't see how that's possible." she turned away. "We're trapped."

Oliver turned away, his mind trying to piece together a plan. And suddenly he had one. "I have an idea." Katie turned to him with a quirked brow before watching him walk off.

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