From Our Family to Yours

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"My family is my strength and my weakness."

Aishwarya Rai Bachchan

Oliver Queen had a reputation for being late. He is the first to admit that, yeah, sometimes, time got away from him and something else distracted him from what he was supposed to be doing. But other times—most of the time—it's not his fault.

At this very moment, Oliver was dressed and ready to go to the Christmas party Thea managed to pull off in a short amount of time. The problem, his wife and teenager were not even close to being ready. Oliver let out a sigh before once again stepping into their bedroom where he walked over to the bathroom to see Katie wrapping a towel around her body as she steps from the shower. She looks up to Oliver with a pointed finger.

"Don't you dare say it." she said brushing past him.

"Twinkie, we're going to be late." Oliver said it anyway. He looked down to his watch with a shake of his head before looking over to Katie who walked inside of their closet. "I still don't understand how you're still not ready, you've been home all day." all movement from inside of the closet stopped. After a moment, Katie stepped back into the room and looked over to Oliver.

"You're right." she said with a smile that scared him as she walked toward him. "I should've been ready. I mean I was just, stalking an MIA Michael to see what's going on with my family's company that's nearing an impending end, pick up your suit from the dry cleaners, find Ari some new gym sneakers, come home, chase our walking daughter around the house and hope she doesn't disappear when I turn my back. Pack her an overnight bag for her stay with JJ. Making sure she had lunch and a snack before she leaves." she poked his chest. "But you're right, I should've fit in getting ready for this party with all of that." she turned and stalked back to the closet. "You literally walked into the house an hour ago, got dressed without a care in the world, but have the nerve to complain about me being late."

Oliver dropped his head and let out a sigh. He should've kept his mouth shut. He walked over to the closet to see her grab a garment bag. "I'm sorry." she glanced over to him with a shake of her head.

"I'm getting ready as quick as I can. Just give me a few more minutes." she said moving past him and lying the bag on the bed. They heard the doorbell ring, and Katie turned to Oliver who looked over to her with a quirked brow. "That's Jamie." a frown came to Oliver's face. "I told you he was coming, so go let him in and be nice."

"When am I not nice?" Oliver asked as he walked to the door.

"I'm serious Liver!" she called after him. Oliver headed down the hall, stopping when Ari's door opened and the girl appeared wearing a robe as she looked over to him.

"That's Jamie. " Ari said and Oliver just gave a nod. "Don't do anything weird, I will be right down." she shut the door and Oliver just let out a huff before heading downstairs. He paused in front of the door, his hand on the doorknob before he finally pulled it open. A nervous smile came to Jamie's face as he looked over to Oliver his hands gripping two bouquets of flowers.

"Mayor Queen, it's uh-" Jamie cleared his throat. "Good to see you again." Oliver didn't say anything as he looked at the teen who stood in navy blue suit, his tie slightly crooked, and his curly hair tucked behind his ears. After a moment, Oliver took a step to the side, and Jamie took that as a sign that he should walk in. With another nervous smile, he walked inside of the house, glancing around, suddenly more nervous that there was no one else around. He turned back to Oliver who closed the door and looked over to him.

"Katie and Ari are still getting ready." was all Oliver said before stalking off to the kitchen. Jamie stood there, once again looking around unsure what he should be doing and deciding on throwing caution to the wind and heading into the kitchen as well. Oliver turned and let out a sigh.

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