Reality Check

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"There are no secrets that time does not reveal. "

-Jean Racine

Katie had another nightmare. The same one as before. It's the day she fainted in the police station and she's taken to the hospital. And every time, he's there. She watches as the faceless man sits beside her on the bed, touching her...and every time she wakes up with a sick feeling at the remnants of the dream.

Now, it was still night, Oliver asleep beside her as her heart returns to a normal pace. She takes a couple of deep breaths before slipping out of bed. She grabs her robe and her journal and slips out of the room.

Nick suggested she write down her dreams to get them on paper and help her try to figure them out. She had pages and pages about this single dream, and there was nothing different. Nothing new.

In the kitchen, Katie starts a pot of coffee before walking back over to sit at the kitchen table and looking down to her journal. She'd attempted to sketch the man, but it's just a man without a face, and she can't stop looking at it. She can't stop trying to pull every neuron of her brain to put a face on him.

Katie heard footsteps and closed her journal before turning to see Oliver who tiredly walked over to her.

"Why are you awake?" she asked and he let out a snort as he dropped to the seat beside her.

"Did you know that even when I'm sleeping, I can tell when you're laying next to me or not?" Oliver asked and Katie smiled. His eyes glanced over to the journal before turning back to her. "Nightmare?"

She let out a sigh as she nods. "Yeah, same one. There has to be a reason I keep having the exact same nightmare over and over again, I just don't know what." she shook her head. "But I'm fine, you should get some sleep."

"I have an idea." Oliver said standing to his feet and holding out a hand to the woman. Katie looked at him with a quirked brow, not making a move to take his hand. "Trust me. C'mon." she let out a sigh as she took his hand and stood to her feet. He brought an arm around her and pulled her with him.

They were in a part of a mansion Katie wasn't familiar with. She held on to Oliver's arm as the man walked.

"Where are you taking me?" she asked and he glanced over to her with a smile.

"Nowhere." he replied. "This house is big enough for a nice romantic stroll through the halls." Katie simply laughed as she dropped her head to his shoulder. "Lets just talk about something that doesn't have to deal with any of the craziness happening in our lives."

"Like what?"

"How about that job Christian offered you." he said and Katie lifted her head and looked over to him. "He mentioned it to me the last time I was there. Hospital director. That's a big job. Why didn't you say anything?"

"Honestly I wasn't sure I wanted to take it. With everything that's going on-" Oliver stopped walking and turned to her.

"Twinkie, you're a doctor. You're an incredible doctor. I see you when you're in the hospital and you're treating patients. You love it. That's all that should matter."

"And yet it doesn't. A hospital director, it's a job for a person who can be at the beckon call of the hospital day and night. It's not the job for a parent of two kids who has a husband who also works days and nights." Katie shook her head. "It wouldn't work."

"We could make it work, Twinkie." Oliver said as they continued to walk. "Being a doctor was your dream. I don't want you to push it aside because of-"

"Reality?" she asked looking over to him. "The reality of our lives is that there is a man out there hell bent on trying to destroy you. To destroy our family. I just don't think this is the time to chase dreams."

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