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JOHNNY AND MICHELLE HAD WOKEN UP UNDER A TREE THE NEXT MORNING. Her head was laying on Johnny's chest, while he had his arm around her. It was a bit awkward at that moment, but they quickly got over it.

By the next couple of hours, the whole gang had been told of my new nickname, Shelly, and it caught on quickly. I didn't go an hour without a 'Hey Shelly!' or 'How ya doing Shells?'. I thought the nickname was stupid, but almost everyone in the gang had a nickname anyways, and I fit in right away with them.

I, Ponyboy, and Johnny had been walking over to where Dally was standing under a streetlight. They had gotten there early, so they went over to a local drugstore and messed around a bit, The boys had been blowing paper at the waitresses, and I just kept my head down, embarrassed by the boy's immature behavior. I couldn't help but catch Johnny's eye a lot, there was something about him that I immediately connected to. When Ponyboy had told me I was the one person to get him to talk so much, I like I needed to stay, to be there with the gang, especially Johnny.

"I would've just given you the money to buy them." I scoffed when I watched Dally pull out the packages of Kools from under his jacket.

"Yea, but stealing's way more fun." Dally winked at me, and I just rolled my eyes.

The boys and I had walked around and talked to other greasers. Johnny had been quiet the whole time, and I sent him worried glances making sure he was still there. There had been a fight between two people, and when switch blades were shown, they all ran. They chased some kids through a field and got back just in time for the movie. Of course, they didn't pay to get in, Dally never wanted to do things the legal way.

There hadn't been anyone else there, except two girls sitting in a row next to each other. I watched Dally look at them, then walk and sit right behind them. They all followed suit and sat next to each other, it's being Dally, then Ponyboy, then Johnny then Me.

I had tried not to really pay any mind to Dallas's absurd comments. Ponyboy had been looking around frantically, trying to ignore his comments and Johnny looked annoyed.

"Want me to go get some cokes?" Johnny whispered in my ear.

"Yes please."

Johnny got up and walked over to the concession.

My blood started to boil at the crude things Dallas had been saying.

" - or I'll call the cops."

That hadn't bothered Dally in the slightest, he said something but it was incoherent to Me, I was getting mad real fast.

I stood up, "Dallas Winston will you just shut the fuck up! Your damn comments are making my ears bleed and I swear to god if I hear one more thing come out of that filthy mouth of yours, I'll rip out your tongue and make you eat it." 

I then sat down and huffed out an angry breath. I could tell Dally wanted to say something but backed down.

The red-haired girl looked back to where I was sitting and mouthed a 'Thanks', and I replied with a nod.

Dally had asked something, but then just got up and left.

"Oh my god, Shelly!" Ponyboy whisper-shouted, looking at Me.

"What? What happened?"

"You talked like that to Dally! Nobody talks to him like that- not even Johnny!"

I looked at Johnny's seat and I just shrugged my shoulders, "Well seems like he needed it."

While the two greasers were watching the movie in silence, the red-haired girl turned around to Ponyboy, "You aren't going to start in on us right?"

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