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Everyone stopped abruptly, Michelle looked at Dallas with wide eyes, Johnny gagged and Ponyboy almost dropped his fudge sundae.

"Cherry the Soc?" The three said at the same time.

"Yeah," dally said, "She came over to the vacant lot the night Two-bit was jumped -"

"Two-bit was jumped?! Is he okay?" Michelle looked at Dallas with wide eyes again.

"Yeah he's alright, anyway We were hanging out there when she pulled up in her little ol' stingray, that took a lot of nerve. Some of us were for jumping her and all--"

"You mean to tell me, that you all woulda jumped a girl who didn't even do anything? Are you all fucked in the head or something?" Michelle was about to slap Dallas right in the head but contained herself.

"We didn't -- Two-bit stopped us." Dally groaned, "Anyway, she felt that the whole thing was her fault, which it is. She said she testify that the Socs were drunk and looking for a fight and that y'all fought back strictly on self-defense," Dally laughed grimly, "Man that little broad sure does hate me. I offered to take her out to the Dingo for a coke, and she said, 'No thank you.' and told me where I could go on very polite terms."

Michelle could tell Ponyboy had a pained look on his face, as she watched him throw the remaining of his sand which. She could tell he liked him and hearing Dally talk about her wasn't any better.

It was hard to understand why a Soc would help the gang out, it wasn't like the greasers were any good to them anyway.

"So what do they do for kicks around here, anyway?," Dally asked, "Play chess?"

A while later, they were driving back to the church. Dally had been driving recklessly.

"Dal, you gotta hair tie?" Michelle asked, attempting to tie up her hair.

"Nah, sorry Shells."

"For the number of girls, you've supposedly gone out with, how do you not have hair ties on you," Michelle muttered.

"Hey! Watch it Shells or I'll deck you." He said, looking at Michelle through the front mirror like a father would.

"Oh yeah, I'll —" Michelle cut herself off.

The sight of dark black smoke surrounding the church took her back.

"Holy fuck —" She muttered.

"Let's go see what happened!" Ponyboy said, opening the door.  Michelle was behind him getting out, both ignoring Dally's curses to get back in. Then Johnny was behind them.

"What's going on?" They all said in unison.

"We aren't sure -- We were having a school picnic, and next thing we know, the place is in flames! Good thing it's a wet season, the place was worthless anyway."

Then the man turned to the kids and shouted, "Don't worry children, the firemen will be here soon."

"I bet we started it, with a cigarette or something," Johnny said quietly to Michelle

"I don't know, I didn't even see you guys smoking anyway."

Then, a lady ran up to the man, "Jerry, some of the kids are missing!" She said in a frantic tone.

"They're probably around here somewhere," Jerry said calmly.

"No -- they've been missing for at least a half-hour! I thought they were climbing up the hill -"

Then they could hear faint screams from the church.

"I told them not to go in there! I told them-" The woman went pale, and she looked like she was going to start screaming.

"I'll get them! Calm down!" Jerry said, shaking the woman.

Ponyboy jerked loose from the trance he'd been in and started running toward the church, Johnny and Michelle not too far behind.

"Hey, Ponyboy," Johnny said, startling Ponyboy.

Meanwhile, the three were attempting to kick in the wooden sealed windows.

Then they were in, the fire and smoke overcame Michelle's senses and her eyes watered.

"Where could they be?" Michelle yelled, trying her best not to lose sight of Johnny.

"Here-" He held out his hand and Michelle quickly got hold of it. They led each other through the flames, and Michelle could feel herself start to give out.

The whole situation had been weird — and pretty ironic. Michelle wasn't even scared, she couldn't tell if it was just shock or pure adrenaline rushing through her veins that made her able to jump into a burning building.

Ponyboy pushed through a door and there was a clump of kids standing and screaming and crying in a corner. Ponyboy was first to reach them,

"Send em' here!" Dally's voice came hoarsely through the window.

Johnny, Pony, and Michelle started throwing kids through the window — quite literally. One even bit Ponyboy.

As Michelle sent another kid out of the window, she caught Johnny's eye.

"Is there a problem, Cade?" She said, sarcastically.

"Of course not, Parker." And he grinned playfully at her.

Oh how much she would miss his face.                    

"Get outta there! The roofs gonna collapse!" Dally said, frantically.

There were still a couple of kids left — so the three started moving faster.

But as the last came out, the last thing Michelle could hear was someone screaming her name, before she passed out.

( song - it's the end of the world as we know it by R.E.M. )

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