I am just gonna answer em all. Not gonna go day by day because gods know I can't remember crap. XD
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1. The Last Olympian. Read it twice, and it always keeps me at the edge of my seat!
2. Sea Of Monsters. Still a great book, and leads to getting Thalia back. But I feel it fell just a little compared to the others.
3. The quiz said Apollo. And I personally have no clue, so I'll just stick with that. XD
4. Nico. Like, someone give this poor kid a hug!
5. Thalia. As soon as she said "Let's put on some Green Day!" INSTANT favorite. XD
6. Luke. In the books, he ages from 19 to 23. Annabeth is 12 to 16. In one of the books, Percy Jackson's Greek Gods/Heroes (can't remember which), he says Luke liked Annabeth back. Like, there's a 7 year age gap, he's a whole dam adult while she's still a mid teen. Whatever care I had for Luke was yeeted when Percy said Luke and Annabeth share feelings even when they never dated.
That's what puts him in a rank above Octavian for most hated for me. Octagon was just mad with power and hate. Luke was a whole dam pedo-
7. Don't hate me....
I mean...if she and Artemis didn't basically hypnotize Bianca into joining the Hunters, which is basically like a cult imo, Bianca would most likely still be alive. As an oldest sibling who wants to protect my siblings, even when they annoy the schist out of me, personally hurts me that they put this older sister in a trance to join a group that means leaving is a curse and then let her go off with little to no training whatsoever that resulted in her death and caused a ripple affect for her little brother...
And I just didn't feel that much of a connection to Zoë. I'm sorry-
8. Jake Abel
I don't like Luke.
But like... This guy cute- XD
9. No, no, no. She just DOES NOT fit. Even if Annabeth was older in the books, doesn't work for me.
10. "This is a pen...This is a pen!"
11. Literally almost everything else... If I have to choose 1- Hm...
I guess the scene with Hades where they find out about the bolt...
They did him dirty-
12. Percy fighting Ares. Literally, that scene could've redeemed the movie, and they didn't add it! This 12 year old boy who is so new to everything defeated the greek god of war so dam easily! Like, this is how we were being introduced to how strong he could be!
13. No Hel no.
14. If Matthew Lillard were a little younger, I could see him as Grover. XD
Johnny Depp as Hades or Mr. D. I'm not sure which role he fits better. XD
I forget her name... But the chick who played as the main character in Darkest Minds would do well as Hazel. I think of her, and it makes me think of Hazel.
Jake T Austin as Leo. That was the guy who played as Rico in Hannah Montana, right? He did good in Enders Game, but he's short enough to play as Leo. Like me, he stays short, so he'd still play as a kid well. XD
15. "With great power comes great need to take a nap. Wake me up later." -Nico di Angelo
Most relatable quote. XD
16. Hades. Other than him POSSIBLY having a Stockholm syndrome relationship with Persephone, he's the best one. Dude's just trying to do his job.
17. Hestia. Literally, she's the nicest, tied with Hades.
Hestia and Hades both great!
18. That this one woman (forgot who) would literally have the dirty with a horse more than Zeus. I mean, the fact he couldn't take no for an answer is f'd up, and she turned into a horse to try and escape. But she still allowed a horse to get her pregnant.
Like, Mrs. Sis, what?
19. I've honestly no clue. XD
20. Do elves count?
...I like elves...
21. Hestia. Again, she's fuking chill.
22. Dam Dam D a m D A M
23. Spoiler alert for Trials Of Apollo-
I literally sobbed like a dam baby when Jason sacrificed himself. And then Apollo and the others were carrying his coffin to Camp Jupiter.
And Thalia couldn't even say goodbye!
And Nico couldn't either!
Moving on, before I start-
24. Sally. How could you NOT love her!? She's a loving mother who actually lives! And she cares for her son but doesn't baby him too much!
25. I can't remember specifics-
26. In canon terms: Beckenguard. We didn't see much of them, but we can all tell they loved each other very much.
In non-canon terms: Valdangelo. If they both were able to trust each other to let down their guards, they could click. Heck, even as just friends would works!
27. I can't remember any other kiss than at the end of The Last Olympian 😃
28. That the missing person was Percy in The Lost Hero.
I thought "Oh, some older greek hero has gone missing."
Then it turned out no one knew where tf Percy was, and I was like "WHERE TF IS LITTLE BOY BLUE!?!"
29. Still sticking to Jason... UGH Q~Q
30. Demigods. They all end up knowing they're going somewhere after death. Vampires are doomed to disappear forever.
Welp, that's about it- XD