Chapter 5: Gabe's Lost Buddy

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Author Note: Hey everyone, I chose Thalia as Naruto's love interest for this fanfic, so the poll is closed. Some of you wanted a harem for Naruto, but Naruto's personality in this fanfic doesn't fit for a harem.

Also, one of the complaints I received was that the Naruto in this story is basically just an OC with Naruto's name, which is true. However, I actually don't like Naruto's personality in canon (unpopular opinion, sorry :/). It is endearing when he behaves ignorantly sometimes, but when they make him a complete nut case all the time (except when he is Hokage), it gets annoying.

Naruto was also over-specialized in a few techniques. He only used Shadow Clones, Rasengan Variations, Transformation Jutsu, and Taijutsu. Imagine if someone like Jiraiya or Orochimaru was a perfect Kyuubi Jinchuriki with the SOSP blessing? They had so many more techniques and would completely break the power scale. If you remember, Madara also had so many techniques at his disposal, and he whooped the asses of the entire Shinobi alliance and the Bijuu, before Hagoromo blessed Naruto and Sasuke.

I am sorry if I upset any of you, but this is my opinion. What I like about the anime 'Naruto' is the well-developed plot, and the techniques shinobi are capable of using. The hand seal concept was awesome too. The only reason why I named the main character of this fanfic "Naruto", is because that name fits as a good protagonist name.

Look, I am not forcing you all to read the fic, so if the Naruto in this story being so different from the canon Naruto doesn't sit well with you, you don't have to read this. In fact, most of my fanfics will have an OOC Naruto. So to summarize everything I just dumped on you all (sorry), if you don't like the style of the fic, don't read it.

Anyways, with all that off my chest, on to the next issue.

I have received some reviews asking me to combine the Heroes of Olympus books with the PJO books into one massive story. About that, I intend to write stories of approx. 100k words for each book. If I include everything in one massive book, it will have around a million words in it. Such long books are a serious commitment to read (at least for me), so I want to first make the PJO series and write the HoO one as a sequel after writing some other fanfics.

Now, moving on with the chapter:

Please Rate and Review as well.

All Jutsu names are written in English to avoid the hassle of people not knowing what they mean.

All Jutsu names, summons names, abilities, god names, and pantheon names will be written in bold.



"God/Goddess/Monster/Summons Speech"

'God/Goddess/Monster/Summons Thoughts'

Chapter 5: Gabe's Lost Buddy

Naruto was confused as to what Thalia meant by saying they were in limbo. "So, you are saying we both are half dead?", he asked curiously.

Thalia had to give him props for staying calm when discussing such a topic. "Something like that, but I don't think that is the case with you. You are still perfectly alive, but your consciousness is over here with me.", Thalia said.

"Strange. But what are you doing here? I did not see your body outside this tree, but I sensed your soul inside it.", Naruto inquired.

"Pfft! That's because my body is the fucking tree.", Thalia snorted, but Naruto could hear a slight resentment in her voice.

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