Chapter 6: The Bizarre Claiming

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Author Note: Hello readers, I already explained that Naruto is going to be completely OOC – only Naruto in name, because it is a good name for a protagonist. So please don't flame me for making him the way he is in this fic. It seems no matter what reasoning I give, a few of you all want an in-character Naruto. I have read a few of the fanfics where such a Naruto is used, but I did not like them. In order for the power to not be too unbalanced, I made the gods more powerful than they should be. In canon Percy Jackson, Dionysus would have never been as powerful as he was in the last chapter. However, despite the approach I am taking, if you still don't like it, just don't read the fanfic. I already established how I don't like the in-character Naruto, so don't keep going back to that in the reviews.

Also, no matter how much you all want Naruto to be with Hestia, I am sorry that I just can't see that happening. Hestia is a goddess who gives an aura of comfort and family, and I see her giving that type of love to Naruto. Hestia's and Naruto's relationship will be completely platonic, with Hestia being the mother/older sister type figure, who Naruto confides his emotions in. I am sorry if you all are disappointed by this decision, but even though I have seen a relationship between Naruto and Hestia written beautifully in another fanfic, I don't think they would be a good pairing with the way I am writing this story.

Also, sorry for the late update. To compensate, I have written two chapters worth of content in this chapter, so, moving on with the chapter:

Please Rate and Review as well.

All Jutsu names are written in English to avoid the hassle of people not knowing what they mean.

All Jutsu names, summons names, abilities, god names, and pantheon names will be written in bold.



"God/Goddess/Monster/Summons Speech"

'God/Goddess/Monster/Summons Thoughts'

Chapter 6: The Bizarre Claiming

Naruto continued to gaze at the sky as a childlike hand ran through his black locks, which were somehow both silky and spiky. The hand in question, of course, belonged to our favorite goddess – the kind and loving Hestia. It was quite an odd sight to see an apparent twelve-year-old resting his head on an apparent eight-year-old's lap, but it was well past curfew, so only the nature spirits watched the interaction. How had Naruto allowed himself to be in such a compromising position? Well...

Flashback (about 10 minutes ago):

"Hello, Lady Hestia, nice to meet you.", Naruto said, as the apparent eight-year-old girl smiled mischievously.

"The other demigods make this more fun for me – asking me who I am and all that. You guessed correctly on your first try. No fair!", Hestia said, her expression morphing into a childish pout. Naruto did not know what to make of this action.

"Umm...apologies, I guess?", he said unsurely. Naruto knew his meeting with Dionysus had not gone well. He wanted to have peaceful interactions with the gods, but it seemed the gods did not take it well if he told them the truth. He told Dionysus that he wouldn't be able to turn him into a dolphin, but he tried to – which Naruto did not like for obvious reasons. Naruto would admit he dealt with Dionysus a little too violently, but he thought that gods would be more used to pain than that.

Most gods seemed to want the allegiance of demigods handed to them on a silver platter. Why should demigods ally with a group that made no efforts to maintain the alliance from their side? Just because of their parentage? If a man who had a child with a prostitute came back more than a decade later, demanding the child to do their bidding, was the child simply supposed to obey their every beck and call? If so, the expectations of these gods were too unrealistic, and Naruto had to show this to them.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2021 ⏰

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