Lost in the Echo

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Mike's Pov:

I woke up with my arms around Chester and his small body pressed tightly against mine. It felt normal but then I realized it wasn't. I remembered just how odd this was but didn't have the heart to move him. He looked so peaceful and relaxed in this state. He had no worries and looked completely innocent curled up next to me. He appeared even smaller than he actually is, giving off an adorable appeal.

I felt somewhat uncomfortable staring at him like this. I was basically just watching him sleep now and I didn't want him waking up and catching me doing so. I slowly moved my arms and crawled out of bed. I began walking to the bathroom when I heard Chester moving in the bed. He began making small whines and I bolted to his side.

"Chester?" I shook him gently and he let out a small cry. I didn't know how to deal with this, he appeared to be having a nightmare. His once peaceful expression seemed fearful and tense. His body began to thrash about the bed and his cries grew louder. I did the only thing I could think of to do and crawled back next to him and lifted him up and put my arms around him, hugging him firmly.

His body seemed to relax and his cries quieted. His breathing was back at a normal pace and he seemed to be waking. I didn't have time to let go of him when he opened his eyes.

"M-Mike?" He croaked, his voice straining. He seemed to be out of energy.

"You - uh - were having a nightmare." I explained softly. "I didn't know what to do so..."

"Thank you." He said quietly and hugged me tightly. He began crying softly into the crease of my neck. "I-it was s-so h-horrible."

"What happened?" I dared to ask and his small arms hugged me tighter.

"Sean... H-he had m-my arms p-pinned above m-my h-head. He..." He trailed off and took a deep breath. "He was sitting on my waist and I was trying so hard to push him off. I was crying and screaming and thrashing around but nothing happened. He t-touched m-me-" He broke off into tears and I felt my heart tearing into a million pieces.

"Shh," I cooed. "He won't touch you. I promise."

"Wouldn't be the first time." He whispered, probably thinking I didn't hear him.

"What?" I asked, trying to get him to elaborate.

"Nothing," He tossed the subject away and I let it drop so I wouldn't push it. I couldn't believe Sean had taken it that far with Chester before. I know it was a nightmare but it must've happened before, I wouldn't be that surprised. Sean's obsessed with Chester, it's horrible.

"I'm sorry for crying all over you." He said softly and I looked at him with soft eyes. His dark brown ones looking so sad, it could break the coldest heart.

"Baby, you have nothing to be sorry for." I said before I realized what I was saying.

Chester's Pov:

Did Mike just call me baby? By the blush crossing his face, I'd say I heard that correctly. It didn't even feel weird to be completely honest. Hearing it come from his lips sounded natural.

"I-I'm sorry." He stuttered and I smiled a bit before leaning in and kissing him. His eyes widened and that's when I closed my eyes. I felt his lips respond and push against mine. He pushed me back on the bed and his hands searched up and down the sides of my body, landing on my hips. He broke the kiss. "Should we be doing this?"

"I don't know, should we?" I asked and he hesitated before leaning in and kissing me firmly. He pulled away and his head nodded slightly.

"It feels right to me." He confirmed and I couldn't help but smile at that.

"Me too," I admitted and he gave me another quick kiss before holding me in his arms as he laid down next to me. "The whole "let's-share-a-bed" thing was a great idea."

"I couldn't agree more." Mike smirked before making me toss my body so my back was towards him. He folded his legs behind mine and his arms circled around my waist. I can't lie and say I didn't like being the little spoon. "You're my little spoon."

"Holy shit, you just read my mind." I beamed and Mike chuckled.

"No, you said it out loud."

"Wait, what?! Really?"

"No, you didn't." He laughed and I groaned but couldn't help but giggle. "Oh my god, you giggled."

"Did not!"

"You so did and it was the cutest shit ever."

"Shut up." I frowned and he kissed my head. He pulled my waist closer to him and I closed my eyes, wanting sleep to take me as I laid in Mike's arms. I guess we're a thing now and I couldn't be happier.
Mike and I laid side by side on the sunny hill, laughing and being perfectly happy. No drugs, no stalkers, no problems.

Suddenly white clouds rolled in over the bright sky and quickly became grey. Thunder shook the ground and it broke in half, tearing the spot between Mike and I. The two halves of land began pulling apart and I was being separated from Mike. I cried out to him but he couldn't do anything.

I felt something poke my arm and I flinched at the small annoying pain. I looked and saw a needle was stuck in my arm, in my vein. It was drugs. I cried when it pushed itself in and the drugs were introduced back into my body. My wrists were suddenly bleeding when I looked down at them and dark figures were all around, beginning to approach me.

I cried and fell to the ground. I tried to hold my body close to me and ignore the figures coming closer but they just kept coming and I felt myself panicking.

Suddenly I felt warmth envelope my body as Mike came towards me. He was shinning and radiated a nice warmth. I felt the drugs fade away from inside my body and the scars on my wrist heal themselves and the figures vanished. Mike came up to me and hugged me. I calmed down and closed my eyes.

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