Burn It Down

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"Mike, we're here." Phoenix said softly, shaking him awake. It was incredibly early the next morning by the time they arrived in Arizona. Mike had fallen asleep whilst on the way and Phoenix didn't have the heart to wake him, knowing he was too upset about Chester going missing but he knew he had to once they arrived.

"Huh?" Mike yawned and sat up straight in the passenger seat. He suddenly remembered the past events and broke into a small smile. He recognized the area and remembered how insane it was when he first met Chester and went with him to his house to pick up his stuff and they were locked in his room by his crazy ex, Samantha.

"I don't know where Chester's house is." Phoenix said and Mike nodded and pointed left.

"Go down that road and take the first right, then one last left and go to the end of houses, his is the last one on that row." Mike said. He was surprised he remembered but glad he did. They were there in moments and Mike saw bars on Chester's bedroom window. Sean and Sam were not messing around. He pointed at the window. "That's to Chester's room."

"He's definitely here than." Phoenix noted and Mike nodded. "What are we going to do?"

"Call the guys quick and tell them he's here and we'll take care of it first." Mike insisted and Phoenix pulled out his phone and called them.

"Hey, you find him?!" Brad answered the phone.

"We think so, in Arizona. Mike says we'll take care of it."


"No idea."

"Okay... Keep us updated." Brad said uncertainly.

"We will. Bye," Phoenix sighed and hung up. He looked to Mike and shrugged his shoulders. "What are we going to do?"

"I...I don't know." Mike breathed and hesitated. "...Call the cops?"

"Do you really want to do that?"

"No. I want to take matters into my own hands but I don't know how." Mike took in a shaky breath. He was so afraid of messing this up. If he did, Chester would be stuck with Sean and Sam and... He thought for a second. "Phi, come with me quick."

He did without another word and they left the car. They went to the back of the house and saw the backdoor. Mike checked it out and the lock was broken. He grinned to Phoenix and they both sneaked back to the car.

"We'll sneak in when they don't expect us, late tonight, and we'll sneak up to Chester's room and get him out without them even knowing." Mike planned and Phoenix broke into a smile.

"There's the smart Mikey I know and love." He said and Mike leaned over to start the car from the passenger's seat and looked over to Phoenix.

"Well, don't just sit there. Let's find somewhere to eat, I'm starving. We can get something for Chester when we get him back too before we come back here. Who knows if they've been feeding him?"

"Alright but you're paying." Phoenix chuckled and began to drive.


Chester didn't sleep throughout the night. Sean didn't let him. Well, he did but Chester couldn't with him in the room. He noticed he hadn't seen Sam much. He guessed Sean wouldn't let her see him while he was there and he wouldn't leave.

Chester looked at the needle next to Sean's sleeping body. It was ready to be used. Chester thought about it but he remembered how horrible Mike would feel. He couldn't do that to him. He saw the cocaine bag nearby and cocked his head.

'He wouldn't mind that though... Right? I mean, I'm desperate... Would he hold that against me?' Chester thought and sighed. He knew he couldn't do that. 'Man, I wish I had a blunt right about now. This sucks. I miss Mike. He's not here, he's probably not even looking for me. Why not have just a little...'

'Or a lot...' Another side of his head thought. 'If he's not looking for me, than why bother living? I have nothing, just Sean and Sam...'

He slammed his head back against the wall he was leaning on while sitting. He didn't know what to do and wasn't sure if he wanted to even do anything. He didn't want to live through this just to be reunited with Mike and it turns out he wasn't even looking for him but a part of his head had to believe he was out there, searching.

The door to the bedroom creaked open and Samantha walked in. She made eye contact with Chester and went to sit next to him. She had an alcohol bottle in her hand but it wasn't open. It was completely full. She handed it to Chester to show him.

"I'm sober." She whispered, careful not to wake up Sean. Chester gasped quietly and couldn't help but smile and hug her. It was so rare to see her not drunk, he had to be proud. "I have a horrible headache."

"I'll bet." Chester said quietly and pulled away.

"What's going on? It's like I was sleeping, I don't remember anything." She said with tears in her eyes. "Is it my fault you're in here?"

"A little but... You were drunk..." Chester replied, making an excuse for her. She smiled.

"I decided I'm going to go into rehab. I'm going to stop drinking."

"I'm so proud of you, Sam." Chester hugged her tightly.

"So what's going on exactly?"

"Honestly, I don't really know. I guess Sean kidnapped me. I joined this band in California and uh I'm with one of the members. Sean's been harassing me more than usual since then." He explained briefly and she giggled quietly.

"Oh, is he cute?"

"Very," Chester grinned.

"Is he searching for you?" She asked and Chester shrugged.

"I don't know but look, I need you to be my inside person. You need to pour out half of this in the sink and pretend to be drunk. You're crazy as fuck when drunk though, by the way, and like a little obsessive over me."

"Okay, would you like me to find your boy?"

"If you can, his name is Mike Shinoda." Chester smiled and Sean started moving, showing he was about to wake up. Samantha quickly yet quietly made her way out of the room and Chester pretended to sleep.

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