Guilty All The Same

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"Just take me to Chester." I commanded but he shook his head.

"I don't think Sean's ready for you to see him." He said and I looked over to Samantha in panic. He looked to her as well. "Go check up on them and see if Sean's done with his fun."

"Okay," She said obediently and I glared angrily at Mark.

"If Sean did anything to hurt Chester, I swear to god I'll-"

"What? What will you do? I'm your best friend, Michael. Why would you want to hurt me?" He asked innocently and I just glared. Samantha came back downstairs. "Done?"

"Yeah," She said, looking to me uneasily. Mark grabbed my arm and lead me upstairs and into Chester's old bedroom. The door opened and I was met with a horrible sight. Samantha had lied. Sean was just getting started. He had Chester pinned against the ground, a hand covering his mouth as another had both his arms above his head. Sean was all over him and I couldn't help myself.

I punched Mark square in the face and he let go of my arm. I charged at Sean and knocked him over. Chester had rolled to his side and Samantha went to him but I couldn't worry about that as my anger took over. I sat on Sean's stomach and began sending rounds of punches to his face, over and over again. It looked like I broke his nose and jaw. Arms went under me and lifted me up. I yelled but realized it was Phoenix. I saw Samantha helping Chester stand and I was still raging mad.

"Don't touch him!" I screamed at her and the look in her eyes told me she was actually on our side. Mark had rose and charged at me while Phoenix was still trying to hold me off of Sean but footsteps rushed loudly into the room and stood in front of me. I saw a curly afro and knew Brad was in front of me. I wanted to hug him but my eyes went to Chester, who Rob and Joe went to. Samantha was explaining herself to them as Brad defended me and Phoenix kept me back. He pulled me out of the room and the other guys did the same with Chester. Brad stayed behind, fighting against Mark.

"Chester!" I gasped and hugged him when he was brought out of the room. I squeezed him tightly, making him wheeze.

"I'm so happy to see you," He said, hugging me back. I kissed the top of his head and held him like he was the most precious thing in the world that I had been given; which he was.

"I missed you so much, don't leave me again." I said and he smiled.

"Couldn't even if I wanted to." He smirked and I gave his small body a tight squeeze. I had so many questions to ask him but Brad's yelling distracted me.

"That'll teach you to mess with our fucking band!" He snapped and exited the room. Sean and Mark were both on the ground, groaning in pain and holding their faces. We all looked to Sam.

"She's okay, I swear!" Chester said before we could give her the cold shoulder.

"I remembered some things after I sobered up and when Mark came, I had to change your plan. I'm so sorry things went whack." She said and I had to give her a small smile.

"It's okay, Sam. Thank you for bringing me to him." I said and she grinned. We watched her leave the house. I wonder if we'd ever see her again. We all went outside and looked between the car the guys brought and ours. "Where should we go?"

"We should probably talk before going home." Phoenix said, rubbing his head where he was hit.

"Hospital?" I asked and he shook his head.

"No, it'll be okay." He said and I looked to Chester, giving him a look that said I wanted to know his answer too.

"I'm fine." He claimed so I trusted him, although wanting to know for sure if he was alright. "There's a burger place about a block from here. I'm starving and we could chat there."

"Perfect. Phi, Ches, and I will take our car. You guys follow." I said and they nodded, piling in. We started getting into our own car and Phi took the back seat and Chester was the front passenger. He grabbed onto my hand when I got in and looked me in the eyes. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Don't worry about me, Mike." He smiled and looked forward.


Mike had came into the room at the right moment. Sean was just seconds away from completely going off on me and everything happened so fast. Now we were all seated in a restaurant, looking completely beat up and tired.

"Everything has been so crazy-" Brad started before I interrupted.

"Ever since I joined."

"No, Chester. It would've happened even if you weren't here. Mark would've done the same if we picked someone else." Mike comforted me and put an arm around me. I gave him a small smile.

"But it was escalated because of Samantha and Sean." I said softly.

"Yeah but we're just glad we could help you. Sean'll never get near you again." Phoenix told me and I felt more protected than I ever have. I was so happy to have these guys in my life. A waitress came up to the table and recognized me.

"Chester?! I haven't seen you since high school." She gasped and noticed Mike's arm around me but didn't say anything. I wasn't popular in high school but she was. I was surprised she even knew my name. She gave me a wink and fluttered her eyelashes. "When did you get so cute?"

"Guys, I'd like to say something." Mike said after awkwardly coughing. He let go of me and lightly pushed our waitress aside. He knelt down on one knee and looked me in the eyes. He glanced at the waitress quick before back at me and I noticed Brad passing him a little box under the table. Mike took it and opened it, displaying a simple gold ring. "Chester Charles Bennington, will you marry me?"

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