Points of Authority

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Mike's POV

Everything was happening so quickly. I didnt understand what was going on. One moment, we were Xero with Mark still with is, the next we're trying to replace him for Hybrid Theory. I don't want to replace Mark. He helped us get so far, but then he just gave up. He was my best friend and the greatest companion I've ever had. No one can replace what he brought to the band. He brought feeling and passion that cannot be mimicked by anyone. Unfortunately, the remainder of the band decided to travel to find our next lead singer. I refused to take part, but they dragged me along anyway. I already hate the new guy, without him even being there yet. There's no way anyone could change my mind, no matter how amazing they sing. They can't replace Mark in my mind. Now we're in dusty Phoenix, Arizona. Phoenix, decided it would be great to pull the bus over and take a picture of the sign that says 'Phoenix'. Doesn't he know there's about a million other signs out there that say the same thing?

"Oh, Mikey, cheer up!" Brad, spoke to me with a joyful voice. Why is he so happy?

"How can I cheer up? My best fucking friend just ditched us to try to find some other band to join!" I snap and hurt gets written all over his face. I instantly feel bad, but I don't stop. "We can't just replace him with some nobody!"

"But we're finding somebody. They aren't a nobody if we can get your stubborn ass to pick them! We've done over ten auditions in five different states already and found some great guys, but no, Mikey can't replace his Mark! Quit being so selfish and help us pick someone before our band crumbles!" Brad yelled back at me, which was definitely a surprise. He's never as so much risen his voice at me before.

"I'm sorry for stating the truth! No one can replace him! He was perfect for the band and I'm not about to warm up to some stranger! They could be a serial killer for all I know!" I barked back roughly and he groans, shaking his head.

"Mike, we aren't even there yet to place the auditions and you're already being irrational. Sure, Mark was a great singer, but he's gone and he isn't coming back." Brad spoke calmly, attempting to keep his cool.

"I told him he could come back whenever he wanted!" I growled and his jaw dropped.

"What?!" He snapped. "You can't just do that! He left and that's final! What if we find someone better than Mark and all of a sudden, he comes back? What are we gonna do then?"

"Let him back in! He may have left us in the dirt, but he's still my best friend!" Confused tears sprung into my eyes and Brad's features soften. He comes closer to me and puts an arm around me.

"Look, Mikey," He said quietly. "I know it's hard replacing your best friend. I don't think I could ever replace you if you left, so I understand, but you have to be strong. You have to help us help the band or else there won't be a band. Mark's gone. He betrayed us. I'm not letting him back in if he does come back. I'm sorry."

"Okay," was all I could choke out. He rubbed my back briefly before yelling at Phoenix to get back into the bus. Then we were off again, going to our destination to hopefully find a new lead singer. As much as I won't like any of them, no matter what. About an hour more of extremely slow driving, we arrive at a small disgusting building. Great.

"Alright, we start auditions in ten minutes, at exactly one pm." One of my band members shouted, I didn't bother seeing whom. I rolled my eyes and sat down at the long table that was set up for us. The metal chair painfully rusty, making me gag when I sit.


Chester's POV

I wake up to the sound of my phone ringing. I look at the caller ID and sigh deeply. I'm really not in the mood to talk to him, but damn will he murder me if I don't at least pick up. Groaning, I answer the phone.

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