Party At Nolan's Manor.

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With her medication now taken, Kana continues her day like normal, with nothing interesting happening.

Wednesday is a free day for all the students, so hardly anything noteworthy happens. 

Thursday is yet another simple day, with the only exciting thing being Kana packing everything away to return to the castle for the morning.

Morning arrives on Friday, and Kana wakes up in her dorm; this is the final time she will be waking up in this dorm for a while. Packing her bags the night before, she has nothing to do today as she only has to make it through the day. 

The only shining light in an otherwise depressing time for Kana is the fact that Nolan's party is today, and she gets to see Alexis again. Those two reasons are the only things that kept her from having a mental and emotional breakdown. Despite the kiss she shared with Alexis on Monday, the two have not discussed their friendship and or relationship since. In fact, the two have not had a chance to speak to one another, but currently, it is smoother than it was, yet they have a lot of cracks and bumps to fix if they hope to regain their closeness.

She rises and sits on the edge of her bed. She slowly reaches over to grab her medication and takes all three doses. Still sitting on the edge of her bed, she begins to mentally prepare herself to face her family, mainly her father. Kana and the king have never had a good relationship despite being father and daughter. She has always said that her father is too cruel and merciless whilst never showing affection towards her and her brother. With a heavy sigh, Kana gets up out of bed and walks over to her wardrobe, eventually deciding to put on an intricately designed green top, followed by a pair of formal black pants. She walks over to her table, pulls out a glass and pours herself a generous amount of her preferred alcohol to calm her nerves. 

The university does permit students to drink alcohol, but only if students are of age. Despite being teenagers, not many students choose to drink during the week, opting instead to drink heavily on the weekends where they have time to recover from hangovers; and even then, roughly only a quarter of the students drink.

Even if the university did not allow drinking, that wouldn't stop Kana from using the princess card once or twice in a while to get away with it.

Before she can start drinking, her thoughts are interrupted by a knock on her door.

Kana rubs her eyes gently and questions if she did hear a knock. “Enter.” A few seconds pass, and Professor Hudgens enters and closes the door behind him, propping himself up against it. Before he can speak, Kana gives him a puzzled look. “All due respect. You look awful, bad night?”

Kana has a point: his goatee is wild, his hair is untamed and beast-like, his eyes are bloodshot and glazed over, and his usual smart hipster-looking attire is replaced by a plain t-shirt and slacks.

He waves her off with a wave of his hand. “My appearance aside. I have delightful news for you. I worked, bargained, and talked all week to get this result.” He looks at his watch. “I have only had forty minutes of sleep. I ended up finalising this." He holds up a bunch of forms in his hands. "May I?” He gestures to an empty armchair.

 “Sure, do you want one?” Kana says, raising the alcohol bottle to him.

He looks up at her, smiles and nods. Kana pours him a glass, hands it to him and sits at the edge of her bed. “So. What is the good news?”

He takes a big swig of his glass, practically downing it all. “So, going off the conversation which we shared Monday. I spoke with the headmaster and the other staff, and I explained to them your suggestion. Anastasia was instantly on board with the idea, but the others were not. He, alongside all the other staff, eventually green-lighted the idea, meaning you do not have to go home.”

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