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As they both arrive back home, more reporters and photographers are outside the gates, hoping to snap a picture or get a comment. "Animals..." Kana scoffs as they drive up the driveway.

Once they are back inside, she gets asked a series of questions by Silus, the first of which is. "Where are your guards, Your Majesty?"

Kana takes a quick glance around. "I assume they are with Jesse and Kayli? I lost track of them at the cemetery somewhere." She says, not really caring. "Silus, I am not in the mood to be chewed up by you, so, please."

Silus takes a step back and bows. "I only care about you, Your Majesty."

Kana takes a breath in and walks past him and eventually into her bedroom on the top floor, closely followed by Alexis, who remains silent.

Kana sits on the edge of her bed and buries her face in her eyes. After a few moments, Kana feels her bed bounce slightly, indicating that Alexis has joined her, although she remains silent still. After a few minutes of complete silence, Kana looks over to face Alexis. "Hey..." Alexis says with a warm smile.

"...Hey." Kana says after a moment, still somewhat out of it. "Still with me, I see?"

"And why would I not be?" Alexis asks with a slight eyebrow raise.

Kana falls back on the bed and sighs. "I do not know anymore. I am confused at the moment, understandably so. I hope tomorrow will be easier, but I highly doubt it. If anything, it is only going to get tougher."

Alexis falls backwards on the bed, so she is laid with her. "I will be with you every step of the way. Assuming you want me by your side?"

Kana closes her eyes and sighs quietly. "Yes."

After a few moments, Kana remembers something important, so she rolls over onto her side. "I do not know why it has just come to me now, but I forgot to ask. How were the nationals? Did you win?"

Alexis chuckles gently. "Nationals got postponed, unfortunately. Twenty-fifth of next month, or that is when I was told."

Hearing Alexis chuckle makes Kana smile, just for a moment. "I do not know why I just remembered."

Alexis chuckles lightly again, and the two converse about random topics until the day grows late.

Nine months after the funeral of Kanas's father, it is now a few days before her official coronation as queen, and this is the first time in recent memory that she will see all her friends in person.

Kana gets woken up by Silus at seven, as is the tradition at this point. He wheels in the tea tray and places it at the base of her bed. "Good morning, Your Majesty. Miss Alexis is already awake and currently on her morning jog around the grounds. The morning newspapers are underneath the tea tray, as is your fan mail." He says and opens up her curtains to let the early morning sunshine in.

Still half asleep, Kana sits up and tries to focus her vision on Silus. "Morning." She says before flopping back on her bed and letting out a grunt-like sigh. "What is my schedule today, Si'?

"No meetings until after the coronation. Just fan mail and paperwork today, Your Majesty. I will place everything on your desk before I leave."

"Bring my breakfast up in five minutes. That is all, Silus. Thank you." Kana says as she sits up again and tries to remain vertical.

Silus takes his leave swiftly after placing the paperwork on her desk as Kana gets out of bed and changes into her silk dressing gown before commencing her morning routine. She takes her morning pills on her bedside table and grabs the newspapers under her armpit, and with her morning cup of tea in hand, she takes a seat at her desk to read the newspapers provided.

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