Field Of Flowers

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Despite being away for what seems like hours, Kana has only been gone for just under fifty minutes as they pull up to the castle once again.

Despite the sky looking extremely murky, the weather seems to be holding up as Kana steps out of the limousine, closely followed by her guards, who she addresses immediately.

"You two." She says as she casts a quick eye behind her. "Which one of you can I trust the most?"

The two guards look at each other for a second looking confused.

Growing slightly impatient, she picks one of them at random.

"You." She points to the smaller one of the two guards. "Your name?"

"Rodrigo, Your Majesty." He says with a deep bow.

"Rodrigo. Inform everybody under my command and within the castle grounds to allow Alexis entry from now on. If you understand, then you are dismissed until I require you next."

"Ma'am." He says and quickly turns on his heel to do his task, rushing off to the guards at the gate.

"And your name is?" She says as she eyes the remaining guard.

"My name is Thomas, Your Majesty." He says with an equally deep bow.

"Thomas. Tom, you have been chosen to retrieve my belongings from my university dorm - wait, never mind. Dismissed."

Thomas carefully looks up. "Your Majesty. If I may, you can trust me. If there is anything I can do for you, all you need to do is command me as such. Retrieving your belongings would be no issue."

Before Kana can answer, she hears a beep behind her, she turns around to see Alexis slowly drive up.

"The dorms are divided by sex. Only male professors are allowed within the girls' dorm, and vice versa, and even then, they require a reason. You can help Rodrigo in informing the staff. Dismissed." She says with a small smile as she quickly and subtly begins shooing him away.

After Thomas has been successfully shooed away, Kana turns her attention to Alexis, who's steadily making her way over to join her after she parks her car.

"Ready?" She asks as she joins Kana's side.

Nodding slowly to herself, Kana answers. "Unfortunately." Then offers a quick weak smile as they re-enter the castle.

Despite now reigning as queen, Kana's inner maturity and inexperience seem to be ever-present in everything she does: Her attitude, her walk, her demeanour, and her general queenly aura seem to be nonexistent. Her thoughts mirror the unspoken feelings of her staff. The sudden rush of doubt causes Kana to stop dead in her tracks as she is halfway across the floor.

"Babe?" Alexis asks quickly with a voice full of concern as she rushes to her side. "You okay? What's wrong?"

Kana does her best to shake her off. "It is nothing, just my fucked up mind, really." She says as she shakes her head. "It is nothing special, not important." She adds quickly.

"Hey!" Alexis shouts slightly, sounding irritated. Kana's words have enraged Alexis so much that she spins Kana around, so they are face to face. "'Not important'? Health is the most important thing a person has! I do not care if your mind is 'fucked up' or so you say, I am here, so tell me what is going on?!" Alexis says, sounding demanding and forceful.

Looking down at her and doing her best to negate and deflect the attention, Kana responds with a small smile. "You are cute when you are angry, you know?"

"Kana!" Alexis growls pointedly.

Spotting Alexis' determination and knowing this is one fight she is unlikely to win, Kana decides to bare it all and reveal her current inner thoughts to Alexis. "Fine." She says as she takes a moment to steady her breathing. After she has composed herself, Kana begins to explain. "The voices inside my head have not gone. I did not expect them to magically vanish, but I thought I was getting better. The voices inside my mind are always talking, laughing, and mocking. Despite my hallucinations slowly going, the voices have not. It would explain why most nights, I am restless. It is like I am a conductor of a never-ending, thought corroding symphony. Smiling at this point is simply a reflex. I do not know what I want at this point nor where I am in life. It is honestly too much too soon, an anchor drowning me in self-doubt and uncertainty. I feel like I am a wreck, physically and emotionally; I just want to cry and let it all out. I wish I could escape all this mess and just retire to a modest home by the sea where, every morning, I could go out onto the balcony and look out to sea." Kana finishes and averts her gaze from Alexis.

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