Biding Time (Mini Chapter)

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Kana looks up at the time, just before nine in the morning. With a heavy sigh, she decides to get changed. Kana disrobes and hangs the dress back in her wardrobe, putting on her dressing gown to keep her body warm until deciding on a more suitable and appropriate attire. She ponders what to pick out to wear for a long time. Her mind is still racing from this morning's events. Whilst still in her dressing gown, she sits on her bed and phones Alexis, hoping she can be a calming voice.

The phone rings a few times before she answers. "Hello?" She says, her tone calm and warm.

Just hearing her voice puts a smile on her face. "Hey, Alex. Are you awake?"

Alexis responds sleepily. "I am now. Is everything okay, babe?"

Kana hesitates before answering. "Nothing too major, just come visit me soon, a few hours, okay?" Kana asks desperately.

Alexis mumbles incoherently. "Is that all?"

Kana looks up at her wardrobe. "I was wondering if you could help me pick an outfit, but I understand if you are still sleepy."

 "Wear something attractive?" Alexis asks.

 "Understood, boss. See you soon, yeah?" Kana asks with a cheeky smile, knowing that Alexis was smirking when she said that.

Alexis mumbles her agreement before they say their goodbyes and hang up.

She puts her phone on her bed, and with a few clicks, she has her music playing from her docking station. Walking over to her wardrobe, she picks out a loose-fitting white shirt and a pair of black leather pants. She picks out a single black bracelet and places it on her right wrist. She puts on some black thigh-high flat lace-up boots to complete the outfit.

Turning her music off and putting her phone into a clutch bag alongside her purse, with a deep breath, she puts on her typical facade and slowly makes her way to get breakfast. Thankfully, no one noteworthy is around currently, meaning Kana can go about her early morning routine somewhat unnoticed, with the occasional attractive-based glances due to her outfit but no conversationalists. She finds an empty spot within the dining area and decides to drown her early morning sorrows in a heavy and hearty breakfast, a poached egg in puff pastry, with an extra-strong cup of tea.

Before she starts eating, her phone starts to ring, so, with a heavy sigh, she withdraws her phone and answers it.

 "Kasumi. Hey." Kana says, doing her best to mask her hunger-filled annoyance.

 "You phoned this morning?" Kasumi asks, still asleep.

Kasumi, like most people, needs a strong coffee before she can operate fully. 

 "I needed a lift to go home this morning." Kana says as she shrugs slightly.

 "Home to see your father?"

 "Yes..." Kana says sadly, briefly remembering this morning. "I have news for you. Oh, and bring Nolan too, since he stayed the night?" Kana smirks wryly.

Kasumi grumbles.

 "I will inform you when you come. Dining area, see you soon?" Kana asks again, hoping to end the conversation quickly.

 "Give us an hour or two. See you soon." Kasumi hangs up almost instantly, not giving Kana time to say goodbye.

Kana smiles briefly. "Not a morning person indeed."

Sliding her phone into her clutch bag, Kana finishes her breakfast, sipping her tea along the way. A few compliments come her way whilst she waits for her friends, along with a few sweet flirtation attempts, which she quickly and gently refuses. When she has some free time, she quickly phones Jesse to tell him about her morning.

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