Destiny Is Never Set In Stone...

351 7 2

A/n: Altair genuinely doesn't know Cardin's name by the way so he has been officially dubbed Carfin from now on.
3rd person pov

Altair walked into a small arena his class where up in the stands as Cardin- no it was definitely Carfin stood opposite Already wearing his garbage armour with his mace over his shoulder.

Altair wore his uniform with some red samurai gauntlets gifted to him by Raven on the only birthday she ever turned up (she didn't Qrow gave them to Altair, she still a deadbeat family member), with his sword on his hip, tapping a button on the side of the hilt the sheath rotated a blue section appeared before the sound of dust being dispensed onto the blade.

The teacher stood between the two students as their aura levels were displayed on the board behind him.

Gripping the hilt of his sword, Altair crouched down slightly his legs apart, his breathing was steady, he noticed the Yukio was watching the duel with active interest.

Carfin: I won't humiliate you, if you get on your knees and beg forgiveness.

The ape chortled as Altair tilted his head innocently. His crimson eyes held a mocking glint.

Altair: I wasn't aware you knew a word that long.

The boy said his grin growing as the ginger boy's ears turned red with fury, his face twisted into a snarl.

Altair suddenly swapped his grin for a semi-serious smirk, as their combat teacher started counting down from three.

Teacher: 3

Carfin narrowed his eyes dropping into a weak stance his mace raised up.

Teacher: 2

Altair seemed to slowly sink a little lower his legs a decent way from one another his knees bent as he felt the tension in his muscles as a silence filled the room, Altair's eyes turned blue as his sword seemed to glow brighter from within the sheath as it's light was flooding from the gap between the sheath and the hilt.

Teacher: 1

Carfin charged forwards before the teacher could say go, but it didn't matter as Altair already saw the scummy attack coming.

Unleashing his blade from the sheath he activated his own semblance which allowed him to unleash a blast of energy from his weapon this could be enhanced by which dust was used.

Since he had selected ice a wall of ice spike followed his strike swallowing Carfin leaving his head as the only thing out of the ice.

The audience gasped as the wall also ripped through Cafin's aura meaning the Ape lost the fight in one strike.

Carfin: H-How?

Altair: sucks to suck

Smugness filled Altair as he walked away after being crowned the victor, sheathing his sword with a click, Yukio Approached him his eyes sparkling.

Yukio: canyouteachmetodothat?!

He blurted out as Altair sighed rubbing his face with his hands.

Altair(thoughts): he pulled a ruby...

Yukio realised what he did and blushed in embarrassment, before shyly tapping his fingers together as he looked down whilst glancing up at Altair's face a few times.

Altair: on one condition...

The boy said as Yukio hung onto his every word. As Altair seemed to stand proudly before his arm shot up before he brought it down and pointed at Yukio.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 15, 2023 ⏰

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