-The boy and the wolf-

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A/n: this is chapter is gonna drop a lot of info on you so I can focus on more fights, hope you people enjoy it!

Also couldn't find any chapter related images so I thought I would put the extra image I had at the top.
3rd person pov


A large shadow was cast on the floor as the Nevermore swooped through a small valley. April glanced around her and commanded the Nevermore to land.
April then got off the giant Grimm and allowed it to return to its home.

For a few days, April wandered the countryside of Anima until she came across a small bandit camp, the faces of the bandits held worry and fear. This intrigued her as most bandits she had seen on her missions were the opposite confident, arrogant and loud yet here the group was trembling until a blue bolt pierced the air and hit one of the bandits tearing through his non-existent aura.

April's eyes widened as she saw a large battalion of armoured troopers in white sweep across the bandit camp slaughtering the inhabitants with minimal resistance. Then April heard a click behind her.

???: hands up

She heard as she complied feeling his gun against her back, she hadn't engaged her aura so if he shot she would die.

She was cuffed and escorted by the troopers to their dropship and then they burnt the camp to ashes leaving nothing behind.
The dropship was like nothing April had ever seen before, it was more advanced than bullhead and seemed to be mostly cargo hold as there was a tiny cockpit at the back, she then stared at it logically and it was the perfect troop carrier, it was armoured so it could take a few hits ensuring the troops it was carrying would arrive on the battlefield. It also had guns on either side of its cargo hold.

As they boarded April saw the ramp lift up and seal the cargo hold shut, she was sat on one of the seats with two guards on either side of her.

Then the commander walked into the hold, before looking around at his troops.

Commander: prepare yourselves, Emperor Tarkin will be waiting for us as he wishes to interrogate the guest personally.

He informed as some of the troopers started whispering to each other.

*Small timeskip*

April now found herself in a dark room with the only light being above her shining down onto the table giving her a clear view of her cuffed hands.

The door slid open revealing a man with greying brown hair, he wore a grey military uniform which had a small rectangular badge displaying his rank, he had a black belt with a large rectangular buckle. On his hands were black gloves, his trousers were baggy but were tucked into his shin-high polished black boots. His expression was one of focus, he glanced at April who shrunk slightly under his gaze before his eyes warmed slightly. This man of course was the famed Emperor Tarkin.

Tarkin: hello young April, you may call me Tarkin.

April stared at him suspiciously as she stayed silent causing Tarkin to sigh, he then picked up a remote that illuminated a screen that showed April watching the raid of the bandit camp.
April's eyes widened as she realised they knew she was there from the start.

Tarkin: you think you discovered our hidden faction by yourself, no... We let you find us, we allowed you to learn of us, we wanted you to come here. Now I know you are worried about what we will do but you are our esteemed guest, so follow me.

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