-The Funeral-

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A/n: this chapter is going to be shorter than normal hope you enjoy it!

3rd person pov
*A cliff on the island of Patch*

A small group of people and a small child stood in front of a gravestone, the Grave was in a clearing, trees flanked it on both sides as they were divided by a small dirt path.

Qrow was standing at a podium breathing slightly heavily as Summer, Tai and Raven glanced at him in worry as a confused Yang couldn't understand what was happening.

Qrow: we gather here today to honour the passing of a good friend, teammate even Brother... y/n l/n. Who was taken from us, too soon.

He said as tears streaked down his cheeks as Taiyang looked down clenching his fist.

Tai: ' I could've been there for him if only I wasn't such a bastard!'

He thought angrily as he felt Raven grab his fist he glanced at her, he saw disbelief and pain in her eyes as she struggled to keep up her emotionless mask, he then turned his vision to Yang who was staring up at him.

Yang: Papa... Why is everyone sad?

She asked as he knelt in front of her, he felt that she was too young to understand but he would tell her anyway.

Tai: Your uncle y/n is no longer with us, we are all missing him, we are here to try and remember the best of him.

He told her as she stepped back slightly shocked.

Yang: uncwle y/n is... gone?

She said as tears welled up in her eyes as she latched onto Tai as he rubbed her back comforting her, Tai felt Raven join the hug along with Summer, Tai looked up and saw Qrow, who was holding a small boy in his arms, the boy looked to be yangs age, Tai raised an eyebrow.

Tai: you have two children?

He asked slightly confused as Raven's face mirrored Tai's as they stared at Qrow, they stopped hugging as yang was getting sleepy.

Qrow: y/n knew, summer and I know, now we are telling you, this is to be repeated to no one.

He warned as the pair nodded as Tai was holding a now sleeping Yang, Summer glanced at Qrow who nodded.

Summer: this little bundle of noise was given to us the last time we saw y/n...

She said as she took the child from Qrow before presenting him to Raven and Tai.

Summer: he is y/n's son, his last gift to us, his name is Altair l/n.

She added as Raven and Tai stared wide-eyed at the child after hearing that revelation.

Raven: T-T-That's his Son!

She stuttered as her eyes were bulging out of her head, Tai couldn't even speak as stared upon the last semblance of y/n in the Remnant.

They saw the child's h/c locks with its patch of white in the fringe, the toddler's eyes fluttered open revealing Crimson irises much like the Branwen twins, Raven had tears in her eyes as she saw the child's face was exactly like y/n and with the child's eye colour she felt as if the sibling bond had been brought to life in Altair's eyes. Then Altair grabbed a strand of her hair and giggled causing Tai and Raven to recoil slightly as they felt as if they had tainted their right to even touch something close to y/n after they had wronged him.

Summer then cradled Altair and gently bobbed him up and down lulling him to sleep.

They then turned to face the grave as Tai went up to it and placed his hand on y/n's symbol.

Tai: I swear, I will protect your son, I won't betray you again!

He shouted whilst reflecting on the petty jealousy he felt and his unwillingness to invite him to his wedding, how he wished he could take it all back but now it's too late.

Raven stared at her husband making a pact on y/n's grave she thought that cutting him off was a good idea but it only brought pain and sorrow whenever she saw him on the T.V or heard about him when she went out, it drove her insane thinking that she would never be able to apologise to him even after all he had done for her and Tai. But her stubbornness came back and screamed in her ear that unless she saw y/n's body there wasn't a guarantee that y/n was actually dead.

Raven: 'I promise y/n, when the time is right I will go and find you'

She promised in her head as she started planning for the day.

It was now evening as the sun was setting behind the grave as the last light of day illuminated the plague on stone. It read:

Here lies:

Y/n l/n
Hero, Friend, Brother

"even in the night, there is a tiny fragment of light."

The two families then started walking away as Altair stared over Summer's shoulder at the grave as a single tear ran down his cheek.


As the families left a wolf appeared from the tree line and rubbed its cheek on the gravestone before unleashing a loud howl to the heavens.

RWBY: VaderWhere stories live. Discover now