-The Rise of The Vigilante-

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A/n: this chapter is only going to follow Altair but it will still be reasonably long, anyways hope you enjoy it!
Altair pov

I was sitting in my class at Signal waiting for the final bell of school so I could leave this dump for the weekend. I had already packed my bag which always annoyed my teacher but I couldn't care less.

Teacher: Altair for packing your bag early you are to stay here five minutes after the bell.

Altair: this piece of shit... Fuck that!

I shouted as I swept my bag up and sprinted out of the classroom leaving my teacher in the dust.

Altair: eat my dust asshole!

I called over my shoulder making his face turn crimson in rage.


He roared his voice cracking slightly as he started to chase after me, I was too fast and dodged his attempts at grabbing me, as his attempt failed he fell on his face making me.

Altair: hahahahaha you moron!

I replied as I jumped the steps and landed on the ground floor where I saw Ruby being picked on by some little cum rags.

Altair: oi, what are you doing?!

I shouted as the leader's face was met with my fist, he fell to the floor tears in his eyes his nose erupting blood.

Bully: w-w-wait until I tell my father about this!

He cried as he got up and ran away leaving me and Ruby, who dived at me knocking me over.

Ruby: AltairThanksforsavingmeIwassoscaredthattheywouldstealallofmycookies!

I stared at her before sighing and pulling her cute little cheeks.

Altair: Ruby, as much as I love your cute little Rose language I can't translate it like Yang can.

I said as Ruby attempted to swat my hands away.

Ruby: stwap it!

Altair: never

I replied in protest before she smirked making me raise my eyebrow before freezing in fear.

Altair: n-no...don't you dare use it!

I cried before feeling my stomach being turned inside out as she used her semblance to zoom out of the school, when she stopped to resupply her stomach with cookies I knelt on the floor vomiting out rainbows?

Altair: I *barf* hate it when you do that!

I said only to be ignored by Ruby who had rushed to the blacksmith's window. Her eyes had lit up like mini stars as she gushed over the weapons, I cleaned myself up and walked over to her before pulling her hood over her eyes.

Ruby: hey!

She struggled to get out of her hood as I watched and laughed before entering the blacksmith's shop, which sign read "Holly's unbeatable steel!", the door opened with the ringing of a bell, rows of glass weapon cases filled the room aswell and weapon racks lined the walls with two suits of armour which reminded me of an Atlesian knight the 200 models to be exact, behind the solid wood counter was a doorway which had rows of beads hanging from the top of the doorframe, next to the doorway was a large fire extinguisher, I walked straight to the counter and rung the bell.

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