-The Cult of the Hero-

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Altair pov

I was woken up by the clanking of glass, I looked up and saw it was 7:00 am., I threw my covers off me as I shot up before slouching and falling back down.

Altair: It's too early, to move.

I groaned before attempting to get up again this time I succeeded, I swung my legs over the side of my bed and got up rubbing my eyes, I snuck downstairs to the sound of the clicking jars. I slipped through the slightly open kitchen door as I did I was greeted with the sight of Ruby standing on a stool which was on top of a chair, under her left arm was the cookie jar the lid was on the table and her right hand was digging into the cookie jar, her tongue was sticking out of the side of her mouth her silver eyes focused on the cookie that she desperately wanted to consume.

I stopped sneaking and stood straight, giving her an unamused stare which she seemed to feel as her head turned to me slowly, she stopped reaching into the jar aswell as our eyes met my crimson eyes meeting her silver ones, we stared for a couple of seconds before she tried to grab the cookie whilst staring at me, an awkward silence filled the room. She managed to get the cookie and slowly put it in her mouth before placing the jar on the table.

Then she bolted as I started my pursuit.

Altair: Get back here with that cookie!

Ruby: *muffled* never!

*Timeskip brought to you by chibi Altair chasing after chibi ruby who is dressed up as the cookie monster*

After that fiasco this morning, I was ready to go shopping for some dust and a spare punching bag, Qrow's taking me whilst Ruby stays around Uncle Tai's with Yang.

We walked down the main street towards 'dust til dawn' what a strange name. I walked around looking at some of the comics and magazines, I picked up the newest issue of rising stars.

Altair: Pyrrha Nikos, huh she's supposed to be favoured to win the Argus junior tournament, bet she would give me a challenge.

I said with a smirk as the image showed a girl with red hair and green eyes, she was wielding a spear and a shield, she was wearing spartan inspired armour, she looked pretty but not my taste I like girls who are a little feisty like Qrow. I then walked over to the dust dispensers and plugged the tube in and waited for it to fill up, as I was doing this I had my headphones on.

Altair: (quietly) ...and I don't want the world to see me 'cause I don't think that they'd understand~

After filling the canister I walked over to the raw uncut dust section and picked up some electricity dust for a project I was working on. Then went up to the counter and met the shopkeeper who grunted at me, I nodded to him as he went in the back before bringing out my order which was in a small box, I took my headphones off as they continued to play the song.

Shopkeeper: it was difficult to get that Altair, expensive aswell besides what do you need gravity dust for?

He asked as I stared at him before rolling my eyes, as I handed the money for all I was buying.

Altair: I'm working on something that I hope will be useful.

I replied as he nodded, he knew better than to get involved with my projects after last time. I then grabbed my receipt and bagged my items before leaving the shop to meet with Qrow, after we met up again.

Qrow: hey, kiddo we better get back.

He said as I nodded before handing him my bag, with my shopping in.

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