-The Construction of a new Weapon-

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Vader's shuttle landed in a hangar where Tarkin and a small medical team were waiting for them, the ramp lowered with a puff of smoke as a battle-damaged Vader marched out, one of the nurses gasped in shock upon seeing him, the medical team tried to take a look at Vader but her pushed them away before marching off.

Vader continued to march until he reached a room with his bacta tank in it which he had the officer prep for the procedure after it was ready he let the droids remove the armour from his body, the cybernetic limbs were removed along with y/n's prosthetic, he was suspended by cables that led to his mask that covered his mouth and nose, the tank then filled with a turquoise blue liquid, Vader felt the liquid soothing his burns slightly as he let out a groan which the mechanical voice box the tank had replicated the sound. The pieces of the suit and the tools from the workbench started floating as Vader repaired and modified the suit and his prosthetics so they were heavier, he also modified the hydraulics within the prosthetics so they could operate under the strain of the increased weight of the suit, he added an armoured lining to the helmet making it more durable, he then unsheathed the katana and saw that the edge was cracked and ruined, he knew he needs to make a trip into the dust caverns near Argus, he sheathed the katana before placing it back down onto the table, he then attempted to tighten the robes and chest unit of the suit so it didn't hang of his torso so much, causing him irritation, he then added needles to inject him with bacta fluid for immediate first aid and other stimulants to allow Vader to fight more effectively. Vader also hoped that the bacta fluid would start the process of healing the remainder of his body.

The door slid open as Tarkin stepped in whilst staring at the tank, slightly disturbed by the state of the man who assisted in building the empire, memories of y/n screaming in agony as they attempted to heal his wounds, it was during that procedu...

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The door slid open as Tarkin stepped in whilst staring at the tank, slightly disturbed by the state of the man who assisted in building the empire, memories of y/n screaming in agony as they attempted to heal his wounds, it was during that procedure that Tarkin swore he would do whatever it took to crush Ozpin and his followers.

Tarkin: lord Vader, How was your mission?

There was a small silence before Vader answered in a cold mechanical tone as he continued to modify his suit.

Vader: The traitor is dead, I will go to the dust caverns in Argus as the Katana you gave me is inadequate.

Tarkin looked at the katana and raised an eyebrow when he saw the edge was cracked.

Tarkin: "how much strength does he have to do this, I had it made out of the same metal the venators are."

Tarkin thought shocked at the state of the blade, he nodded realising Vader was going to construct a new lightsaber because if he didn't he would take a lot of resources making spare blades.

Tarkin: Take whatever materials you need for your new weapon, we need you to hunt down the remaining traitors so the world is oblivious to our existence.

Tarkin said as he saw the shadow of Vader's head nod in response, Tarkin then left so Vader could finish repairing his suit.


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