Reunion Part 2 (Azula & Ursa)

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A/n not a shipping fic and so no slash between the names. I decided after writing the reunion of Azula and Ty Lee that I'd also write the reunion of Azula and Ursa.




It was nearly six months before her mother had the guts to pay her a visit. By then Azula had gotten her friendship with Ty Lee back on track and begun to work things out with Mai. Pity that her own mother hadn't thought to visit her sooner. I'm sorry I didn't love you enough... the words still haunted her.

It was nighttime when Ursa came by. They'd just finished their evening meal, and Azula was taking a walk around the palace with Ty Lee.

"What if we painted everything pink?" Ty Lee was asking. Azula shrugged, hardly paying any attention.

"I don't think Mai would-" she began, only to be interrupted by a servant running towards her.

"Princess! I have a message for you!" He shouted down the hall, stopping just in front of her and straightening his tunic before handing over a scroll. Azula dismissed him and unrolled the message, Ty Lee peering over her shoulder all the while.

"Ooh, what does it say?" The acrobat asked. Azula had to concentrate to keep from burning the paper in anger.

"Apparently, Mother would like to pay me a visit."


"Thank you for letting me come," Ursa said immediately upon entering. Azula regarded her coldly. Neither of them spoke.

"Azula...I realize no amount of apologizing can make up for what's happened between us," Ursa began. Azula rolled her eyes. That much was rather obvious, wasn't it? But she held her tongue as her mother finished.

"I only came here to tell you that I love you, I always have, and if my apology means anything at all then I'm sorry. I should have done more to protect you from your father."

Another moment of silence passed between them. When Azula finally spoke, her voice was threateningly low.

"What kind of mother chooses to forget all about her own children?" She asked. At least Ursa had the decency to look ashamed as she stared at her shoes with new interest, her response a barely audible 'I don't know.' Tears glistened in her eyes.
Azula had imagined this day many times over, and a million responses ran through her head. She could yell, break something, punch a hole in the wall, hurl some fire, maybe even just leave, but none of the scenarios she'd come up with compared to her actions.

Slowly, as if she were being forced against her will, Azula wrapped her arms around her mother's neck.

It didn't take long for the tears to fall.




A/n honestly I just wanted to get this one finished and published.

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