Yue (Sukka)

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A/n in which Sukka have a baby.




"Oh relax, meathead!" Toph called, "she'll be fine! Suki's a tough woman."

That didn't comfort him any. Even with all of his friends there and the doctor's assurance that his wife would be fine, Sokka couldn't stop himself from pacing just outside the door, trying with every fiber of his being to stop himself from running in every time he heard a scream.

"You're just a little nervous," Aang promised him, "everything will be okay."

Sokka sure hoped so. Saying there were butterflies in his stomach was a gross understatement. More like a herd of Komodo Rhinos stampeding through at top speed.

There were very loud screams and shouts of "push!" as the sound of a baby crying filled the air. A moment later, the doctor came out.

"It's a girl." he said. "Would you like to see her?"

No, I've been waiting out here all this time so I can go home, he thought rather snarkily as he followed the doctor into the hospital room. Lying there, a tired smile on her face, was his wife. In her arms a baby slept, wrapped in a pink blanket.

Sokka's first thought: she's so squishy-looking.
His second thought: she's beautiful.

"We did it," Suki whispered, her voice hoarse. She leaned her head to the side and offered the baby to her husband, who gladly took her. Katara was by his side in an instant.

"She's gorgeous," she said. Aang agreed. Toph took the baby, held her for a second, and shrugged.

"Can't see her, but I'm sure she's lovely." She said. Zuko, however, surprised everyone by being the gushiest uncle ever.

"Well aren't you just the cutest thing ever! Yes you are! Yes you are!"

While their friends took turns holding the new baby, Sokka and Suki sat together, hand in hand, enjoying their accomplishment.

"What are we gonna name her?" He asked. She looked up at him, a smile on her face.

"I was thinking Yue," she offered. Sokka grinned.

"Sounds perfect."




A/n I felt kinda bad for not writing this (and many other ships) more often.

(A/n from the future: idk why. I write what I ship, why should I write something that I don't like without being asked?)

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