Swear Not to Tell (Irosami)

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A/n Irosami for @nae-booty.




After the Earth Empire fell, General Iroh found himself spending more and more time around Republic City. It was such an amazing place, he felt at home every time he was there. It was no Fire Nation, of course, but if he had to move, he would pick Republic City as his destination.

He also found himself growing increasingly closer to Miss Asami Sato. It started when she nearly knocked him over on the docks one day. After apologizing profusely, she insisted on buying him lunch. They enjoyed each other's company so much that they agreed to have lunch together the next week, and eventually they'd taken to lunching regularly. She was always so easy to talk to, and it was a breeze to let go of his straight-backed demeanor around her. There was an instant connection, and after a few months, they'd taken to telling each other almost everything that was going on in their lives. They'd formed a trust, which Iroh hoped would grow into something more. So far, it was only a friendship, that much was clear to them both. But the general couldn't deny a certain thumping in his heart when he was around her. If Agni smiled upon him, perhaps they would grow into something more.

His hopes were dashed, though, when Asami told him about Korra. The two of them had been carrying out an illicit affair since the wedding of Sir Varrick and Miss Zhu Li, disguised to the public as a very close friendship. They even lived together!

"I'm only telling you this because I trust you and I don't want to keep it a secret from you," she'd told him, "you have to swear never to tell."

The way she spoke, it was obvious that Asami was in love. He personally didn't have anything against it, other than his own feelings for her, but if the world found out it would be quite the scandal. So he promised not to tell, even as his heart broke with the words.

"Thanks Iroh, you're a good friend."


That's all I'll ever be to her, he realized. Their eyes met. Asami was so radiant, as usual. It was one of the things he loved most about her. She was smiling at him, a gesture which he returned. Watching him, you never would have guessed how much he hurt inside.

"Yeah, well, I try." He replied.

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