Moonlight Kiss (Sukka)

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A/n here's a Sukka for @GrimmB. Also, there are characters in here that you have to read the comics to know about. So if you haven't done that already, you totally should.




When you're dating Sokka, you know there's no way you're getting a moonlight kiss.

Suki knew this, and she was fine with it. If she had been in love with the moon, she would probably feel like she was cheating too. She didn't blame him at all.

However, on this particular evening, with all their friends sitting on blankets, staring at the stars with their arms wrapped around each other, her lips were yearning for contact. She glanced up at Sokka, who was busy avidly pointing at constellations, absolutely elated. Suki couldn't help the grin that tugged at her mouth. He was like a little kid in a zoo, pointing to all the animals and showing off his knowledge to his mommy.

"Ooh! look! there's the Elephant Koi! and there's avatar Yangchen! Ooh, and there's the Fire Ferret riding a unicycle!"

"They're all beautiful," Suki commented. Sokka looked down at her with a warm smile.

"Yeah, they are."

The two of them sat gazing into each other's eyes for a long while.

Kiss me, Suki thought, please just kiss me!

But he glanced away, a shameful blush on his face, as if his mother had just walked in on the two of them making out.

Suki sighed and stared up at the moon.

Oh, Yue, she thought, when will he let you go?

The air acolytes had been watching this entire exchange. Both girls passed Jingbo five yuans, and the three of them stood. When Sokka excused himself to get more elephant koi from the grill, Jingbo made his way over to talk while Yee-Li and Xing Ying distracted Suki.

"Dude, you were so close! why didn't you kiss her?" he asked. Sokka sighed, rubbing the back of his head.

"Well, I mean, Yue turned into the moon, and now it's like every time the full moon is up and I'm with Suki... I don't know, I guess I just feel like she's watching me. You get it?"

Jingbo nodded. "Yeah, I got it. But don't you think Yue is probably up there screaming 'kiss her you idiot! don't worry about me!'?"

They laughed. Sokka glanced back at the girls, who were giggling about something. Yee-Li was making Sabertooth Moose-lion horns with her fingers. Apparently the other two found this hysterical.

"You know, you're probably right. Thanks Jingbo," Sokka said. They shared a smile, and he returned to his spot on the blanket with Suki. Conveniently, the Air Acolyte girls chose this moment to excuse themselves and rejoin their younger friend.

Katara inconspicuously made her way over to the Acolytes.

"Good job," she said, "there's no way he would've listened to me. I owe you guys."

The four of them stood watching as Sokka leaned in and placed a long, sweet kiss to his girlfriend's lips. When they pulled away, they both stared up at the moon.

Aang still swears that in the silence of the night he heard a faint voice yell "Yes! Finally!"

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