Chapter 1

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Jeremy hid himself behind a tree, crossbow in his hands waiting to ambush the unsuspecting vampire.

The vampire stumbled towards the direction Jeremy was. He was weakened earlier by Jeremy who shoot him an arrow laced with werewolf venom.

Once he was within a grabbing distance Jeremy grabbed the vampire with his heightened strength and slammed him on the tree. The vampire retaliated by pushing him backwards. Jeremy hit him with the crossbow when he tried attacking him and the vampire stumbled backwards and lost his balance.

Jeremy took the chance and drove a stake through his heart. He watched the vampire loose his colour then turned grey. He felt his hunger quench at the sight of the dead vampire. He stood up grabbed his crossbow and retrieve the stake and headed out of the woods feeling sated.

He got into his car which he left not too far away from the woods while trailing the vampire and drove off.

Meanwhile, a certain man stood in the shadow and watched how the young hunter took down a vampire whose over a hundred years old. He was intrigued. He had to know who the boy was.


Jeremy went back to school as if nothing happened the previous night. He went about his daily class schedule while trying to avoid his sister. Even though he had his urge to kill vampires on sight under control, sometimes she annoys him so he won't want to take any chances.

Elena wasn't the only one he was avoiding, he was also avoiding Bonnie but for a different reason. They were both dating but recently he found himself slowly backing away from her. He no longer felt the same way he felt towards her anymore. They were times when she would kiss him and the thought that comes to his head was shoving her away but he always pretended to still be into her.

He knew he had to tell her but was afraid of breaking her heart knowing fully well how much she loved him. Everyone knows that but the thing they don't know is that Jeremy doesn't love her anymore at least not romantically but as a friend. They all thought he loved her to the moon and back.

He sighed as said person started approaching him with her beautiful smile that used to melt his heart.

" Hey handsome," she said as she kissed him on the lips and Jeremy just followed suit.

" Where were you last night? I called you for some times but you didn't return it."

Jeremy groaned internally of course he didn't see her missed call. After coming back last night he went straight to bed after showering.
" Oh! I totally forgot to check my phone after I came back from my night workout. I just headed to bed."

" Okay. Well I just wanted to remind you that Elijah invited us to their family reunion and before you flip they promised not to wreck havoc or do anything destructive," she informed him.

" Oh that I think it'd be a bad idea for me to go, you know how I can get around vampires and that family is full of them and to make it worse they are originals the urge to kill them is 10 times stronger compared to regular vampires," Jeremy said and Bonnie sighed for her boyfriend's predicament.

For supernatural hunters the urge always was stronger to kill originals reason been that they were the progenitors of the vampire bloodlines and no doubt Jeremy might loose it and try to attack them and that would cause a lot of trouble but that wasn't the only reason Jeremy didn't want to go. He couldn't stand to pretend he was still in love with Bonnie for as long as the ball might last.

" Oh come on Jeremy everyone will be there with their plus one and I don't want to be left out. Please do this for me?" She pleaded.

After awhile Jeremy agreed much to his displeasure. He just hoped he doesn't ruin the night.

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