Chapter 12

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Elena, Stefan and Jeremy were in the dinning room eating when the doorbell was rung. Elena wanted to get it but Jeremy beat her to it.

" Jeremy you should be resting," Elena scolded.

Jeremy rolled his eyes.
" Elena I was in a coma for some while, it doesn't mean I am handicapped besides I have suffered worse before," he told her and went to the door.

" All the more reason you should be resting," Elena and sat back down.

Jeremy opened the door and was shocked to see who it was.
" Damon?!" He said shocked.

Elena and Stefan became alerted as they heard his name.

" Little Gilbert, isn't it nice to see you in my house," Damon announced and gave his signature smirk.

The doppelgangers vamped to the door and were even more shocked to see Damon.

On seeing them Damon walked past Jeremy into the house.
" My sweet little brother and my darling Elena how long has it been?" he asked as he walked past them and sat on the couch.

" How are you here? I thought you.."

" Died," Damon completed for him and chuckled.
" Well shocker I'm still alive and well thanks to Lukas," Damon told him and went to his bourbon stash and poured himself a drink.

" Who is Lukas?" Stefan asked walking up to him still not believing he was alive. Elena was too shocked to speak considering Stefan told her Damon was killed by Kol.

" That's for me to know and for you to dah dah dah," Damon replied and sip from his glass.

" I thought Kol killed you?" Jeremy asked.

" Was that what Stefan told you?" Damon asked.

Jeremy nodded.

" Of course he would, he wouldn't hesitate to leave out the part where he abandoned me and didn't even bother to find me," Damon said with an eye roll, " typical Stefan."

" That's not true Damon I watched Kol kill you. I watched him drive a stake through your heart and I tried finding you for days but I couldn't find you," Stefan replied recalling how broken he had been when Damon died.

" I'm sure you have after few trials but not to worry little bro I'm all over it now," he walked to Stefan and patted his shoulders, " let us all merry because finally the she devil, Katherine Pierce is dead."

Damon smiled at the shocking expression on his brother's face.
" Shocker!! I burnt her alive along with the vampires that tortured me. Now I'm a free man with no care in the world."

Damon vamped to his stereo and turned it on and started dancing to the music it played. After a while he stopped dancing when he noticed the others weren't dancing with him.
" You guys are no fun at all. I came hoping I was gonna enjoy myself but I am greatly disappointed which is something that is expected of you all but not to worry things will be fun soon enough," Damon told them and finished his drink then he smirked.

There was a knock on the door. Jeremy went to answer it but Damon vamped to the door before he could reach it. Jeremy rolled his eyes.

Damon opened the door and standing on the other end was Arthur looking rather ravishing.
" Wow, Lukas wasn't kidding when he said they were gonna be outstanding," Damon announced licking his lips.

" And who might you be?" Arthur asked Damon. Jeremy upon hearing his voice quickly dashed to the door and shoved Damon aside. He wore a bright smile on seeing the original and the latter returned the gesture.

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