Chapter 2

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Bonnie walked up to Elena and she was pissed having waited for Jeremy for over 2 hours since the party started.
" Where the hell is Jeremy, Elena?"

Elena turned and looked at her surprised.
" He said he was going to meet Matt and then they were to come together."

Bonnie looked at her incredulously,
" You mean Matt who's over there talking with Rebekah," she said then pointed at the duo.

" Jeremy is not here yet and I can't see his car anywhere," Stefan said as he walked to them.

Bonnie and Elena became worried and they started walking to Matt. Rebekah saw them and said something about seeing him later and left but not after giving Elena the stink eye to which she ignored.

" Where is Jeremy? He was supposed to be with you," Elena asked.

Matt scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.
" I haven't seen Jeremy seen today not since he killed that vampire at the grill and that's three days ago."

Now both girls were really worried.

" He said he was going to meet you before coming here. I just asked Caroline and Tyler, they haven't seen him either," Stefan said as he approached them.

Elena grabbed her black dress by her hands and started rushing outside. The others followed her. On their way outside Kol smirked at them and Elena panicked. She tried going after him as he went but Stefan held her back.

" Let go off me Stefan he has my brother,"

" We don't know that yet okay. If you upset him he won't hesitate to hurt you and you know the Mikaelson's and their grudge," Stefan said as he successfully got her to stop struggling.

" Well if I find out he has Jeremy, I will make his life a living hell," Bonnie seethed.

Elena walked up to the door and soon her ears picked up sounds of grunts.

" Jeremy!," She said and immediately vamped out to the find the source of the sound. Stefan started screaming her name as he went after her.

Jeremy was held by two vampires as another plunged a stake into his abdomen causing him to scream. The vampire pulled it out and let him bleed out. 

Jeremy looked at him with pain filled eyes and spat on his face. The vampire hissed and tried to stake his heart but Elena screamed and rushed him. She collected the stake and drove it through his heart and left him dead.

The vampires holding Jeremy left him and attacked Elena. Stefan showed up and they both fought the vampires but clearly the vampires were stronger and they were loosing.

Meanwhile Jeremy laid on the ground bleeding out. He wished to kill the vampires but couldn't he was injured  and didn't have vampire's accelerated healing.

" Are you enjoying the party yet?" Kol asked as he neared them. By now the vampires already caught Stefan and Elena and held them so they couldn't  move.

" What is wrong with you Kol haven't you had enough," Elena replied, " what did my brother ever did to you? He just turned eighteen."

" And yet the both of you killed me when you were eighteen. I have to say, I feel justified killing him at eighteen."

" What would you get out of this Kol? You already killed my brother. What else do you want?" Stefan asked anger in his eyes. Elena looked at him surprised but he ignored her. The only reason he came to the party was because he knew Kol would be there and it would be a perfect time to kill him and avenge his brother.

" Oh Damon, I can still hear him scream with pain as I slowly pulled out all his internal organs and compelled him to walk under the sun without his daylight ring," Kol said smiling ever so brightly making Stefan boil in anger.

" I wish you'd rot in hell and burn for all eternity," Stefan seethed.

Kol started laughing but soon he was slammed into a car by his very pissed eldest brother. 
" You insufferable brat. When will you learn to be reasonable for once in your miserable life,"

Kol's laughter had turn to terror as he watched his angry brother choke him.

Everyone was startled and no one dare utter any sound.

Arthur added more pressure to his hold and Kol started getting red. He struggled to release himself but couldn't.
" This was a reconciliation party but yet you choose to scheme and ruin our family's name as if it hasn't already been rubbed violently in the mud."

" I'm sorry Arthur, please forgive me," Kol begged but Arthur simply wasn't in the mood to hear it.

" You had your chance oh little brother but like always you ruined it,”  Kol's eyes widened in fear as he anticipated his brothers next course of action.

It didn't come because Arthur was distracted by a coughing Jeremy who tried getting up but failed. Kol used the opportunity to free himself and vamped off.

Arthur didn't bother going after him because he had met the boy who had attracted him ever since his return to mystic falls.

In the process of his struggling he looked up and his eyes locked with that of Arthur's who gasped lightly. He was mesmerized by the blue that swam in the younger boy's eyes. He felt drawn to it. His eyes trail his facial features even though some part we're bloodied he still thought they were captivating. He frowned at the sight of the blood and he felt disappointed when Jeremy looked away from him.

The vampires holding Elena and Stefan captive released them and went after Kol. Elena rushed to her brother to help him but he stopped her.

" Just stay back Elena, I've had  enough of vampires for one night. I just need peace and quiet," he mustered enough strength to stand and picked up his jacket from the floor and started heading out of the parking lot.
" Don't bother looking for me when I don't come home, I'll be at Matt's for the time being."

Arthur watched him leave and he didn't miss the sense of longing he felt as he watched the younger male do so. He felt like rushing after him and holding him but instead of doing that he turned to a sad Elena and an angry and also sad Stefan.

" I apologize for my younger brother's unruly behavior. He's a wild card but I promise I'll try to get him under control next time," Arthur apologize on behalf of Kol.

" Save your apology. You Mikaelsons are the same. You've all brought pain and torture to our lives. The world would be a better place if you all would just die and never be brought up again. Come on Elena let's get out of here," Stefan said and led Elena away.

Arthur didn't take offense because he knew what his family had done over the years and he wasn't proud of it. All he could think of was how to make it up to the young hunter and to possibly make Kol pay for his transgressions.


The party soon came to an end and like all party only few enjoyed it. Bonnie left feeling hurt and left out as she never got to spend any time with Jeremy. Caroline and Tyler had fun and for once Klaus was able to back off when she said no. They were shocked that he didn't do anything Klauslike and they thought he had finally got fed up off them unbeknownst to them that Klaus only behaved because of the presence of Arthur Mikaelson.

Rebekah compelled some human girls to clean up the room used for the party but after been reprimanded by Elijah she did the rest herself. Kol hadn't return after his altercation with Arthur and it seem to please the former for the meantime before he would start to hunt him down.

When the house was finally sparkly enough to be considered liveable. Arthur called his family for an important announcement to which Klaus reluctantly attended.

" I found my soulmate."

** Second chapter up.

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