Chapter 6

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Jeremy finally decided to swallow his embarrassment and face the original.
" Say whatever it is that you want to say and get going," Jeremy said as he tried his best to sound serious.

Arthur smiled. He was glad that Jeremy was willing to listen to him but he wasn't too happy that he still wanted him away from him.
" Thank you for granting me the audience. I wasn't too sure if you would want to see me or have anything to do with me after what happened last night."

" I don't want to see you, just to be clear but I'm tired of running away or pushing you away. I just need to understand what this soulmate thing is. I don't care about what happened last night. If you wish to have anyone by your side I'm not stopping you but.."

" Don't say that, Gilbert," Arthur interrupted Jeremy. He didn't want those words coming from him, " I don't have anyone else. Talia was only messing with you. She had this stupid theory that if she can make you jealous that maybe you might give me a chance," Arthur told Jeremy, silently wishing he would believe him," which clearly didn't work because from what I see you are angry at me."

Jeremy let out a breath he didn't know he was holding and he knows it was from the fact that he felt relieved to know that Arthur wasn't seeing anyone.
" So she was trying to help you get a chance with me by kissing you?" Jeremy asked and Arthur nodded his head.

Jeremy looked at him for a while then sighed.
" Look, I get it that you want me to accept you as my soulmate but I can't help but think that if I accept it, I'll be tied down and I love my freedom. And then there's the fact that I know virtually nothing about you, only that you're a Mikaelson and it isn't a good thing at all. If my friends find out I'm your soulmate or whatever this is. They'll flip and frown at it. At the end of it all I'll be forced to choose and I don't want that." Jeremy said as he ran his hands through his hair in frustration.

Arthur closed his eyes and took deep breaths.
" I won't be a problem to any one of your friends or family, I promise you that. But if they cross me or my family I won't hesitate to strike back."

" See that is the thing with you Mikaelsons. You only care about yourselves and your family and no one else. Anyone who isn't a Mikaelson is nothing to you," Jeremy said in anger.

" Do you expect me to sit back and watch my family perish?" Arthur asked Jeremy.

" No one will be forced to take down your family if they don't do things that would warrant it. But your family completely forgets about that. Always taking whatever they want by force without considering the casualties," Jeremy replied.

" So what do you suggest we do?" Arthur asked.

" Ask politely before you take."

Arthur scoffed at Jeremy's answer.
" My family has suffered through the years in the hands of our parents. People who were supposed to love and protect us, sought to kill us. Everyone who we thought was a friend ends up backstabbing us.. I understand that my family is ruthless and unyielding but that is what it takes for us to survive and not get hurt. We just want people to see us for who we truly are. I want my family to be safe and sound. Elijah wants peace and redemption for our family. Klaus seeks acceptance and love. Rebekah craves for a family like ours. Kol wants freedom with those he cares for. All this are what every family wants. We are no different from you and everyone else. Just like you'll do anything to protect your family so will I. In the end we all want the same thing. To survive." Arthur said to Jeremy.

At this point Jeremy just looked at him not knowing what to say. Arthur was right in all that he said. He had never sat down to think about it because he never needed to but now he has to. Because there's someone in that family, which he was meant to hate, that is starting to mean something to him.

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