Chapter 10

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It's been three days and Jeremy and Arthur are yet to wake leaving their respective families worried sick. Elijah had saved Freya but it came with a cost, Talia sacrificed her freedom so Freya could be released. It angered Elijah to no end because he felt like he didn't do anything. The goal was to save his sister from captivity not replace her with another of his sister.

After sleeping for a full 24 hours Freya was back in full strength and filled with vengeance but when she learnt of her elder brothers predicament she let exerting her revenge rest, now all she wanted to do was to save her brother.

Currently the families all gathered around the couple. Freya had suggested she could put two people into their minds, one for Jeremy and the other for Arthur, who share a deep bond with them.

" He's my brother," Elena said, " although it feels right for it to be me but I can't deny the fact that our relationship has not been very good since our parents died. I love him but I don't think I'm the right person. I think it should be Matt," she concluded as she looked at Matt.

Matt looked at her unsure but Elena nodded to him and he sighed.
" He's my best friend and he's been there for me in my dark times. Even when Vikki died he was there for me. Now it's my turn to repay the favor, I'll do my very best."

" Good," Freya said then she looked at her siblings.
" Arthur never gave me any reason to hate me neither did I give him any for him to hate me but in this case the right person should be Rebekah," Elijah said as he looked at her. She was surprised, " he loved you dearly sis and would do absolutely anything to protect you and Rebekah, you adore him."

Rebekah smiled.
" I love him so much and all those years I thought father had killed him were the most awful and most painful years of my life and now he's back and he needs my help. I'll be more than glad to render it."

" Great. Now I won't be nice and tell you both that it's going to be easy, it won't. Once you're inside there you must find their subconscious mind. That would be very tricky," Freya said as she set candles around the room.

" How do we know when we find them?" Matt asked.

" Trust me you'll know," Freya told him.

Matt gulped at her the way she looked at him something tells him it's not gonna be a nice.

" Be careful when you both get in there. There's nothing real there. Remember whatever you do in there and whatever happens to you becomes permanent. You're about to enter a thousand year old vampire's mind and facing all his trauma and tragedies and a young hunter who has suffered a lot coupled with a pro active and wild imagination. There's no telling what his mind can conjure. Do not be deceived," Freya warned them.

She places her hands on Arthur's and Jeremy's shoulders then asked them to touched the couple. Matt to touch Jeremy and Rebekah, Arthur.

She started the spell and they were thrown into their minds.

Both of them found themselves in a white passage with two doors. They walked up to the doors. On the left was a red door with Jeremy's name on top of it and on the right was a black door with Arthur's name above it.

" I wonder why the door to Arthur's mind is pitch black?" Rebekah said.

" And I wonder why Jeremy's is red," Matt said.

He then turned to Rebekah.
" I believe this is where we part ways," Rebekah said.

" Until we meet again in the real world," Matt replied and they laughed.

" I pray I don't die in here," Matt said.

" You won't. Your friend's mind is not that bad compared to my brothers. But whatever it may be I wish you good luck," Rebekah said.

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