19) The stadium surprise

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I woke up alone on the bed, as I look around to see if Harry's phone or himself is in the room but there was no sign of him.

I just dress really quickly to go down to the lounge see if Harry is there, but he wasn't.

I go to Liams room that's on the second floor, I knock and once Liam opened to the door I asked if he has seen Harry. But Liam shook his head as I pull my phone out to call Harry while I was walking to Louis's room, but still no answer.

Once I reached Louis's room I knock on it while I tap my foot worried to where he would be. Louis answers the door all dressed up, "oh hi summer I was just going to come and get you." Louis said, putting his feet in his shoes.

"W-why did something come up today?" I ask, Louis gets out and locks his hotel room as he takes out his arm to signal me to warp my arm around his.

"Yup. I'm supposed to take you somewhere, Harry asked me last night" I look at Louis, "he did? Where is he actually, I came to you to ask you that cause I can't find him" I ask as I look at Louis who is smiling.

"I can't tell you that, your gonna have to figure that on your luv." Once we got to the lounge we go outside that has a cab waiting for us, I look at Louis confused but he shrugged his shoulders to act like he didn't know anything but he obviously did.

Louis and I were in the back of the cab as I tried convincing him to tell me where we're going, but he didn't budge. I finally gave up and I waited until we got to our location.

The cab stops and Louis thanks the man and pays him, when we got out of the car we walked a block down from where the cab dropped us off.

We talked for a couple of minutes until Louis stops at a stadium, "Lou what are we doing here?" i ask, Louis looking towards me as he speaks.

"I don't know Harry told me to drop you off here. He said for only you to go in and I were to leave." I nod as I hug Louis and he whispered "good luck" and walked away.

I took a deep breath and walked up to the doors, I open the doors to find a note on the table saying "if your reading this you must be my princess, if not GO AWAY! Anyways, Hi princess keep walking front until you see another note ;)" I giggled and did what it said and took the paper with me.

I walked down the hallway and stops at a door, and on that door had another note. "Hello again princess, open the door and you'll see something on the table that's against the wall"

I open the door and look to my left, there was a table that had a little box on it. I open the little box to find a cross necklace that was exactly like Harry's.

I giggled as tears fill my eyes, happy tears. And on the box it said "to match" Harry was truly the best.

I felt presents behind me and I turn around to find Harry, "HARRY!" I shout filled with joy, I jump into Harry's arms as I hug him so tightly saying "thank you" multiple times. 

"Hay princess I see you like my gift" he laughed out, I look up to him as I reply. "Of course I do baby, your the best."

"Follow me" he says as he holds my hand and brings me up the stage, no one was there yet. It was empty, and Harry took me to the center of the stage as I take the power in.

I feel Harry behind me as he puts his hands on my waist, "so this is how you feel when your on stage, powerful." I say giggling as he kissed my neck.

"The Exact feeling" Harry said in between kisses. I turn around to face Harry as I kiss him long and good.

We stayed there laying on the floor talking about random things, until a security guard shouts at us not recognizing Harry, "HAY WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" he shouts pointing at me and Harry. "run" Harry said grabbing my hand as were both laughing.

We run out of the stadium and into a cab that was waiting at a red light. Harry tells him to go to the hotel we're staying at, we laughed the whole time. I stop to look at Harry face as he laughs, we both look at each other as we have the biggest smiles on our faces.

Harry leans to me while he kisses me, I push him away reminding him we're in the car with a random person. Harry smirked as he grabbed my hand and opened the door while the car was still moving.

A screamed released out of my lips, while on the other hand Harry is laughing his ass out.

Once we get on the sidewalk we catch our breaths and stop for a moment. "Harry?! What were you thinking" I say as I push him playfully. "Thinking crazy princess, crazy for you" he said holding my hands close to his chest.

We walk the rest of the way back, when it was time to cross the street Harry wanted to take a rist and cross it right before a car passed by, "no Harry it might hit us" I say concerned.

He laughed "come on, it'll be fun we won't hit it, I promise" I didn't know what to do so I did it. Harry held my hand and waiting for a car to came so it could pass us, once he saw a car coming he ran across the street.

Midway when we were crossing he let's go of my hand and I get hit by a car, I fall to the floor hitting my head on the concrete.

The car stops, all I felt was my head, it was pounding like crazy. I hear Harry yelling out my name, I couldn't see clearly. It was blurry, the voices fade away as I'm slowly closing my eyes to drift off.

Hay luvs Stacy here
Again sorry for the short chapter
I had an essay due so I had to finish that real quick
Hope you enjoyed love ya mates❤️❤️❤️

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