
3 0 14

As I woke up the next morning I felt sore from the best night I've had. I see that Harry was still sleeping so I decided to go to work knowing I forgot about yesterday.

I got ready for my morning shift and once I was done, I kissed Harry and I told him I was going to work. He nodded and kissed me back still half asleep.

While I was driving to work I was listening to some music in a good mood from last night. Once I arrived there I get called into the bosses office as he said that I was fired. I dropped to my knees begging him to let me keep my job. He declined and kicked me out.

I tried my second shift job, they said the same to me and declined my begging. And my last job was no use to even go because they wouldn't let me in there office even if I was being attacked or something.

I cried the whole way home. Once I got there I opened the door to find Harry in the kitchen eating breakfast. I run towards him and give him the biggest and longest hug. "What's wrong princess" Harry said confused on why I'm back home early.

"I got fired Harry? By all three jobs, there's no use on yelling at them they won't do anything" I said while I wiped my tears away. He comforted me as he tells me that those jobs were horrible jobs for me, he was right but I needed those jobs.

When I finally stopped crying I dressed into day clothes. "We're going out so we could get your mind off those idiots you call bosses" Harry said while putting his boots on. "Okay I guess anything we do together will make me happy" I say as I kiss Harry while we walk out to get into the car.

Harry held my hand the whole time he was driving, it made me feel much better. We eventually pulled up to little place I couldn't recognize. "Where are we Harry?" I say as I try to find out where he brought me to, "we're at my studio.

I have to record some part of one of our songs. It'll be fun, I promise" Harry told me before he kissed me passionately. We both get down as we held hands when we walked in.

We see that Niall, Liam, and Louis were already there having lunch. "Hay guys! Come sit down we're eating lunch" Niall said with a mouth full of his burger.

We sat down and talk about there tour until there music editor comes in and says "Alright boys let's get your voices on this track!" They all head to the sound proof room to record some parts of the song.

As I sat next to the editor I listened to there voices that took me to my happy place. I can't explain how heartwarming it was to hear there voices, especially Harry's. He sounded like an angel.

Once Harry got out of the room I kissed him and than hugged him tightly and said, "thank you" Harry hugged me back than asked "for what princess?" I stopped hugging him and I look at Harry with tears forming and I said "for everything" with a soft voice.

Once the boys were done they asked if they could come over, I obviously said yes. So we all drove back to the cabin to have a little talk about the tour and more.

They decided to buy a private jet for the boys, there crew, and myself. I would get so excited when we were to talk about it. The boys would look at me with adore and I would blush.

They would always tell Harry that they chose the right girl to be with, I would get all shy when they would say that.

And I also said that I chose the right boy to date as well, unlike my ex that I haven't told Harry about. I done think it's necessary to bring it up anymore it'd just bring up my broken heart.

Once they left me and Harry went to eat dinner, we decided to eat at a fancy place this time. I wore a green mini dress as Harry wore a green button down shirt with brown skinny jeans and his black boots.

We talked about our autumn and winter plans for this year and how much we loved each other, I loved to be with Harry and didn't want to leave him. Sounds clingy but I promise you I'm not, I give Harry his space but he doesn't want me to.

After we ate we headed to our cabin as we undressed from our fancy clothes to our house wear. We hopped into bed as we watched a couple of movies until we drifted to sleep.

We woke the next day to hear knocked on the door, it was 2 in the afternoon. "Shit we overslept princess, I think it's the boys come on we gotta dress up to go see jets for our tour" Harry said as he put his pants on. I quickly got dressed and we headed out. Liam looked at us and said "overslept huh" as he laughed. I giggle and held Harry's hand as we all hoped in the car.

I was sitting in the middle with Harry on my right and Niall on my left as Liam in on the passenger seat and Louis is driving. As we drove to where ever we're going to find a jet, I was holding Harry's hand. Harry removed my hand to read some magazines that were in the seat pocket, Louis and Liam were fighting.

"SLOW DOWN LOUIS" Liam said as he's freaking out, "DON'T TELL ME TO SLOW DOWN IM ONLY GOING 86" Louis said waving his hand around. "THE SIGN SAYS TO DRIVE AT 45!" Liam screamed, Me and Niall couldn't stop laughing, "you guys are fighting like an old couple" Niall adds as he's rocking back and forth dying from laughter.

At that point I couldn't breathe cause of how funny this car ride was, just imagine what your would be like. "Shut up you two" Louis says looking throw the mirror as he flips us off. "I love you guys, you boys are so much fun" I say as I finally caul my breath.

We arrived at an airport, but we get picked up by this man. He takes us in a golf cart and drives us to a warehouse in the back where there are many jets parked. "Alright boys let's look through some of these to see which would ho great with our messy selves" Louis says as we get out of the cart.

Harry holds my hand as we go through them to see which one would go great.

We looked through a couple of the jets and so far we saw jets that were too small, too long, and too big. After the 12th jet we finally found a good one. Not to small, not to big, perfect. "We'll take it" Liam says to the salesman.

We headed back to Louis place to have some dinner and talk for a little. After we ate and talked for a while and had a good laugh, it was time for all of us to head back to our places. Me and Harry cuddled while we got back and stretto bed. Harry was the big spoon and I was the little spoon.

Hay luvs Stacy here!
How do you like the new chapter?
Sorry I didn't post yesterday btw.
Sadly I didn't take any pictures, it was raining the whole time
Hope you enjoyed!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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